Thursday, August 15, 2013


Last weekend, we took the boys to see Planes.  They both love Cars so we thought that would be a fun thing to do as a family.  For $37. 

Eddie's sweet mom sent the boys a package with some planes from the movie and these shirts-- they were so excited to wear them to the movie!

We took pics while we waited for daddy to get ready.  

 We knew it was going to be crowded so we got to the theater early, which was our first mistake.  It was, in fact super crowded, but that is just too much time for Andy to have to sit still. 

Mr. Cal has been ALLLLL about his momma lately, and I am more than okay with that! He asked to sit next to me, and I was more than happy to snuggle up to him. 

We got our seats secured and then Eddie took Andy out to get snacks and to hopefully hold off on Andy having to sit still.  He returned with slush puppies.  This was our second mistake.  

Cal loved his, but it was hard for Andy to get it through the straw, and he was frustrated so he kept throwing his straw.  Plus, I am pretty sure a slush puppy is nothing but sugar.  Not good for sitting still in a movie.  

After 412 previews, the movie started and Andy lasted all of 15 minutes.  If that.  I have heard from a TON of people who had to leave with one of their kids....not sure if the movie was slow starting or if there were too many flying scenes and there's not much to look at in the sky (whereas in Cars, you can see roads, etc)... actually, I really can't speculate why people had to leave since I only saw 10 minutes of the movie and spent the rest of the time chasing this one in the lobby...

 He climbed up on the Turbo snail and waved to everyone walking by. 

 He spotted the m&ms in the concession stand and wouldn't quit until he got some.  So I got some $5 m&ms and we sat eating them together, talking about was really educational. 

Cal said the movie was great and he loved it...guess I will wait until it's on ABC Family to see it! ha!
The boys slept in their new Planes jammies from Mimi and were all smiles the next day!

We had high hopes for Andy since he did well okay during the Monster's movie... but, now we know he isn't quite ready yet...

At any rate...I loved being with my family!


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