Holy cow....have I really not posted in over 10 days?? Whoops! I have no real excuse for being so absent; we've just been really busy around here!
Last weekend (Feb. 4th), we had a birthday party on Saturday morning for Harrison, who is my good friend Ashley's son. He was turning 4 and the party was at Frankie's Fun Park. We've never been there before, but it was CRAZY how much stuff there was to do there! Cal walked around in amazement for most of the time and it was during Andy's nap time, so he snuggled in in the stroller and was happy as could be!
playing ski ball |
Cal loved sitting in the race car...until it turned on and started shaking and rocking back and forth. Then he was done! |
in a trance by all the lights! |
riding a motorcycle |
daddy felt he needed to help him drive |
rocking back and forth "driving" |
daddy got realllly into it |
love this sweet child |
pizza time! |
me and CalBoy! |
Saturday night was wild and crazy, as we often are around here. I got Andy dressed in his jammies and Cal HAD to wear the same ones (see? WILD
and CRAZY!)
Sunday was Superbowl Sunday. The game falls at the lovely bewitching hour where the kids are ready for dinner and bed, which makes going to a party very difficult. This year, we went to the club, just the four of us, and watched the first quarter on the big screen while eating yummy food. Then I came home with the kids, and Eddie went over to a friend's house to watch some of the game. The boys were REALLY good at dinner and we had a lot of fun just spending time the four of us.
Andy played with a straw the majority of the time and thought it was the funniest/best tasting/most entertaining thing EVER. (also, he won't wear a bib...ever....please ignore the messy shirt front)
The week following the super bowl was good, and felt very busy.
hard at work on the iPad |
waking up from a nap, happy! |
Andy is getting teeth so he's been getting super fussy. I am trying hard to not overload him with Tylenol/Advil, but bless his heart, you can tell he's really in pain! I can pretty much see a bottom tooth about to pop through, so maybe once it gets through, his pain will lessen.
I wanted to get a picture of the boys together to make a Valentine's Day card to send out to our families. One night after baths, Cal reallllly wanted to hold Andy. Eddie was there to keep their attention, so we ran with it. I just wish the monster truck jammies were "dirty" that night...
our winner! |
Here are some pictures from my iPhone from the week...
see my legs? this is how I go to the bathroom these days: with an audience |
hankers chasing the sun |
so cute...and naughty for not napping |
who me?? naughty?? |
my three sons. |
hank is a giant. |
cal wanted to "help" me with the laundry. He brought his chair into the laundry area (not so much a room) and took out a play cell phone. He said he was busy working. |
a trip to the grocery store. Cal insisted on holding Andy the ENTIRE trip. Would not take his arm from around Andy's shoulders. He also insisted on speaking to everyone in the store... |
still holding on |
We had friends in from out of town this past weekend. They used to live here, but now live in Maryland so they came back for a little visit. It was wonderful seeing them and catching up! I was excited for their visit and spent most of my free time last week getting ready for them-- hence the lack of blog posts!
On Saturday, our friends went to visit other friends and we took Cal to the circus! My parents offered to keep Andy, thankfully, so we could enjoy a little CalBoy time. I still think it's really important for him to have some alonne time with his parents. He liked the circus a lot and loved all of the animals. He was scared at some parts, but kept saying he had fun, so that's all the matters. We went with Brad and his parents (hi, sally!), so it made it EXTRA fun!
Saturday night, we had a little cookout and had some friends over so everyone could see Peter and Tiffani. It was pure chaos, but really fun. There was a LOT going on, so I wasn't able to get very many pictures...
Cal and Miller riding the Plasma car around the house together. These two have never played together before, but acted like they were the best of friends. It was pretty awesome. |
love their faces in this one |
Side note: if you need a gift for your kid, the plasma car is AMAZING.
And finally...
Cal was watching Hank have a little treat... and why not be in your big boy underwear?? We are peepeeing on the potty 100% of the time around here (yahooooo) and number two is still an issue, but I think we are making some progress there. He is either asking for a diaper or waits until nap time to go in his pull up...hmmmm....
Also, in BIG Andy news, he started crawling this week...but more about the in his update tomorrow after his visit to the doctor for his 9 month well check!
I actually have a lot more to write right now, but this post is already the longest thing ever and I need a shower desperately before these wild things wake up. They both have nasty colds right now and I feel like I live in a snot factory. Both boys managed to have snot in their eyebrows this morning at the same time-- how gross/impressive is that??
I wish each of you a
HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY! I do not really like this holiday... but whatever, if you do, good for you! I will be spending an evening with my boys- all of them! - and relaxing in. Sounds good to me!
More updating tomorrow.... I swear, I am back on it!