It all started with Andy. We went to a party New Years Eve where we ate and drank-- kids went too... Andy ate about six plates of fruit, a HUGE piece of cookie cake (with bright blue icing) and then drank some sparkling cider. So, when he woke up at 3am on New Year's Day (after going to bed at 1.....) throwing up everywhere (that blue icing.....), I assumed it was something he ate. He was dancing REALLY, really hard... perhaps he shook it all up.
He spent New Year's Day on the couch with a pretty low grade fever the whole day, and then took a great nap and woke up feeling great. So I just thought he was tried/ate a lot of goodness.
We were all tired on New Year's Day... I curled up on the couch with Cal and passed out cold. After being up all night with Andy being sick, I was worn out. Apparently, I might have snored a little. Allegedly.
Then it hit me. January 2nd, I started to feel little yuck. It was dinner time and I had zero appetite. Which I always have an appetite, so that's weird. I was reading to the boys at bed time and my stomach was rumbling, big time. I had to use the restroom, like, a lot.... sorry, TMI and then I got in bed early. I was laying there feeling like throw up for a while but was trying to talk myself out of it. Finally, I could talk myself out no more, and I threw up. I am not one to throw up, so this was very unusual. I didn't sleep at all that night and stayed home from work on Thursday. I couldn't leave the couch. I had the same fever Andy had (mine hovered around 101) and then it all passed.
Cal was upstairs brushing his teeth this morning (Friday) and had a little sneak attack also.... bless his heart. And THANK GOD it didn't happen while he was at school. It was bad. So I kept him home on his first day back to school. Who goes back on a Friday, anyway??? Andy. That's who. He is back.
Thankfully, this is a quick little bug...makes you feel awful for about 24 hours and then you are good to go. Cal hasn't thrown up yet, but the day is young. I fear for Eddie getting this. The man cold is very real...I can't imagine the man tummy ache.
Here's hoping we get all the bugs out the first few days of 2019! We don't have time for this!