This "bug" that we thought Andy had turned out to be not be a bug. It turned out to be a little blockage. I will spare you the details of it all, but apparently, when the poo can't get out the normal way, it can cause you to vomit and can also cause the stool to liquidate in order to squeeze by the blockage.
He started in with needing to go on Friday afternoon, but he couldn't. We gave him a suppository Friday evening and he still couldn't go. On Saturday, he woke up with a huge tummy and a tummy ache. He kept walking around grabbing his tummy and screaming.
Eddie had an early morning meeting, so he was gone by 7:30. I gave Andy a cap full of laxative-- still nothing. He was in pain and was following me around screaming-- and I mean SCREAMING in pain. There was nothing I could do and it was killing me. He kept going and sitting on the potty and screaming, but not going. By 8am, we had been on the potty four times, producing nothing each time.
By 9am, I had given him his second cap full of laxative and I was near tears. There was just nothing I could do to help him and I was starting to worry that maybe there was something else wrong with him (like a serious blockage). I began googling constipation, which is how I determined all of the symptoms from the previous week were those of constipation...
Finally, at 10: 30, I reached my breaking point and I was ready to head to the doctor for some kind of help. He was so upset and the screaming was so loud and so non-stop. I was texting a friend whose hubby is a doc and as I was about to hit "send", the bottom fell out... so to speak. It was loud and powerful-- thank God I put a diaper on him before hand.
After the initial blow out, he went on the potty two more times before we left to go to soccer. We had Cal's game and on the way home, he started screaming again that his tummy hurt and he needed to go potty. We got home and he took care of business (I apologize for being so graphic, but it was a lot like that scene in Dumb and Dumber..... if you catch my drift).
He took a nap and had a few more big explosions after nap time and feels excellent again.
Andy has always had an interesting stomach-- I think he is one who will need some form of laxatives daily to help regulate him. Until we get it figured out, I am keeping a poop chart...maybe a doodoo diary? Or, a turd tracker? Or, a ...... sorry-- I've been lacking in the sleep department. Anyway-- planning on keeping a diary of his "movements" for about a week and then taking it in to the doctor to have a little pow wow over his situation.
Just have to document it all on here, I guess. Here's to the joys of motherhood!!!