It has been a HELL of a day around here. Holy bad. I am thankful tomorrow is a new day and that we get a fresh start... PHEW. Did I mention PHEW?!?! ahhaha
I went back and forth about teacher Valentine's gifts-- do I go all pinterest-y for them? Have the boys make a card? What to do, what to do?... But then I realized that I don't have the time nor the energy for that ish. But I do love these teachers...So I went to Dunkin Donuts (a favorite of mine!) and got each teacher a gift card, and I also grabbed empty coffee cups.
I grabbed some red and white paper and used the cardboard sleeve holder as a template.
I wrapped the cups, used a little hot glue, and filled the cups with some kisses and topped it with a gift card.
Beyond easy. Hope they like them!
Speaking of Valentine's, I always send members of the family a Valentine's Card with a picture of the boys-- usually I order off of Shutterfly or somewhere similar. I don't send many, but I think they like getting the snail mail with a pic of the boys.
I discovered the app RED STAMP recently and I am obsessed. You can write whatever kind of card you want (thank you, you rock, I miss you, I love you, make it a great day...), and then you can decide to "make it a digital day," where they send you the card via your picture album and you can text or email it to anyone, or you can select them to mail it for you-- where they will print it, address the envelope and mail it-- all for like $3. I don't know if you have looked at cards lately at Target, but it is hard to find a card for under $3... then I have to go find/buy stamps, and it becomes a process. This was SO easy!
This is the home screen:
And then these are just some of the Valentine's Day cards:
I selected a card and added a picture (it really couldn't be easier) and then chose to have the cards mailed to my people-- and the app has access to your contacts so they just import right in.
It is probably too late to mail a card in time for Valentine's Day, but maybe you could do a digital card to someone on the actual day-- cards make me so happy... this would be a simple way to make someone's day!
Oh this is a fun one... I have had to wait to post about it because Eddie's sister, CB, was getting one for her birthday!
I have seen Sheafer's BaubleBar signature necklace before, and I always thought it was cute. They are made to take your signature and turn it into a necklace. But then someone posted (it might have been Sheafer- I am not very smart...) about having a kid's handwriting for the necklace and I got an idea...
My mother in law is called Mimi by the boys.... so I had Cal write the first Mi and Andy write the second Mi:
I was able to choose any color I wanted for the "name" so I picked clear-- I wasn't sure how big it would be and I didn't want my MIL looking like Flavor Flave with some mega bling. Well, she opened it and LOVED it-- and has yet to take it off! The clear is kind of hard to see in the below picture...
Eddie's sister, Carrie, saw the necklace and decided that was what she wanted for her birthday! We got to work and created this template:
(the letters have to overlap somewhere so that the necklace stays together-- try explaining that to a 4 and 6 year old...!). Andy did the C and Andy did the B.
She opened it and immediately sent us a picture:
She wanted a grey color and I really like it! It looks great with her dark hair. The next day she posted this on face book... I think she liked it!
That's about all I've got for this week.... We've got a busy (and COLD!) weekend ahead with basketball and football and Valentine's Day brunch.
Did I mention tomorrow is another day?! Can I get an AMEN to that?!?!?!?!
PS- I gave up chocolate for lent. WTF was I thinking? I got a ton of chocolate goodies from my sweet Mouse class.... whhhhyyyyyyyyyyyy???