Thursday, August 15, 2013


Cal's school offered week long summer camp sessions throughout the summer.  We signed up for the very last session, in an effort to remind him about school and that the real thing is just around the corner! His camp teacher will be the teacher he will have in the fall as well, so it was good for him to get to meet her as well.

The session Cal went to started the Monday we got back from Mexico-- the boys were all kinds of backwards and we had to wake them up just about every morning in order to make the 9:00 drop off time.

Cal had a BALL and camp, even though Ava was in a different group.  It is probably a good thing they were in different groups since they will be in different classes in the fall (sadly...) (Ava is older than Cal and will be in the grade above him...again, sadly).

While Cal was in camp, I had THE BEST time with Andy.  I even called my mom and told her I thought the terrible twos were a thing of the past and we were moving on! (I have since retracted that statement, but for the week, he was SO SO good).

Here's a look at pictures from the week...

Andy got some SOLO time with the superheroes! Something he never ever gets when Cal is home!

He was trying to go incognito. 

Oh.  And this.  We *thought* about starting potty training.  And I train naked... Well, he has yet to have ANYTHING happen on the potty and he pooped in the middle of the kitchen floor.  We haven't tried since.  It'll happen when he's ready and I am nowhere near the point of pushing him. We will aim for the next couple of months, I guess. 

He was having the time of his life with all of his mom's attention....

The first day, at pick up, Ava's little sister, Abigail, was there.  Andy is quite in love with her too, so they had to take a picture together...

...just like Cal and Ava!

These two have THE sweetest friendship.  Ava is a TOUGH cookie and on this day, was actually sent to timeout for pushing Cal- she said she didn't want to wait her turn for the monkey bars, and she wanted to go in front of him... now, I, of course, was sad that anyone would be less than nice to my boy, but I LOVE that Ava stands up for herself and is not afraid to tell some boys that she wants her turn. I also think it is great for Cal to see girls being tough.  She apologized profusely and was SO upset that she hurt Cal-- it was totally no big deal at ALL and they were back to being best buddies 4 minutes later. 

Andy felt like such a big boy after dropping Cal off each day.  He would walk away with his hands in his pockets, smiling at me.  Sweet guy...

Usually running errands with Andy is worse than a root canal with no Novocain, but this week-- he was a dream to run around with! We hit up a bunch of places and he never even fussed. 

I told him as we were leaving the gym this day that we were going to get a hair cut.  He stuck his bottom lip all the way out and said, "no haircut for me.  Haircut for Cal!" And as we walked into the barbershop, we were greeted by a woman and Andy immediately said, "no haircut!" I am sure they were drawing straws in the back for who had to take this one!

waiting to get the curls cut

I LOVE his curls, but the curls were starting to tickle his ears- ha! so we had to get them trimmed.  He was leaning his head whichever way the woman wasn't-- and he wouldn't look up-- it was too funny watching him.  He did great and got a lollipop for being such a good sport. 

Cal reached for Andy's hand walking down the steps into school on Wednesday....and then didn't let go.  He held it all the way down the hallway into the classroom.  My heart melted.  Is this not the sweetest??

The fire station is across the street from our house and the firemen from that station workout at the same gym as I do.  They are THE nicest guys ever and on Wednesday, they saw us leaving the gym at the same time and Andy was pointing/screaming/staring at them and the truck.  They invited him over to the truck to look around, and the kid climbed right up without hesitating. 

He got into the seat and grabbed the seat belt like he was going to strap himself right in. 

All of that fire fighting must have been exhausting because while I was getting some things done on my computer, Andy curled up underneath it with lala and pillow... he didn't go to sleep, but he stayed down there awhile.  He loves to snuggle with those things...

Cal made a hat/visor thing in camp and he thought it was just the coolest thing ever.... haha!

It was a GREAT week at camp and helped to kind of shift the gears into school mode from summer mode.  I can't believe I will be doing a back to school post soon!!!


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