Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Swimming and swimming!

We are spending a lot of time driving to the pool lately. Truth be told, I am really, really proud of how well Cal is doing in the new group. It is a lot harder, from what I gather (pretty sure they had a "full fly" practice where they did primarily butterfly the whole time. I would die.), but Cal is loving it. I was worried he would give a little push back from the increased practice times, but he's really enjoying it. Thankfully.

We had a meet this last weekend and I am pretty sure this smile says it all:

I am learning, when you have been swimming for a while, time drops are more and more rare. I see kids celebrating two tenths of a drop in their swim. Sweet Cal dropped over 3 full seconds in his first two events and over 5 seconds in his third event. He had a sleep over the night before so I thought he would be tired, but he proved me wrong, as he does so often. I shouldn't doubt him! He did a 100 IM, 100 free and 50 back. And he was still smiling at the end of it all.

My time with this kiddo is precious and I adore him. I am so beyond proud of the hard work he is dedicating to this.