Monday, April 26, 2010

Bye Bye!

This is another one of those videos where I am pretty sure he's saying something, but to others I just seem like a crazy mom. Cal has been waving his hands a LOT lately and just started putting together what sounds (to me!) a lot like bye bye.

He was doing it a bunch this weekend when Eddie's sister was around, but we weren't ever quick enough to grab the video camera. Today after lunch he was extra chatty so I started filming.....

What do you think? Can you make out bye bye? Am I crazy for thinking so? :) ---> don't answer that one.

A toofer!

We knew it was coming.... Cal has sprouted a sweet little tooth! His nose has been runny and the amount of drool coming out of his mouth is unbelievable, so we knew it was coming any day now. Last night he was just exhausted and woke up several times in the night-- and once I just held him and snuggled a bit, he was out-- it was about the sweetest thing EVER. I had a feeling after a night like last night that we might see the tooth pop through and this morning it wasn't there, and then right before his afternoon nap, I felt it! It is darn near impossible to get a picture of it, but it's there! I will try to post a picture if I get one.

Wish me luck nursing.............