This year, we flew out Sunday morning, suuuuper early. My mother in law came to town to help out with the boys and we were so so so so so soooo excited for our little getaway!
Our flight was early, but it was delayed. By the time we landed and got to our room, it was close to noon. We headed to Macy's, just because it's what we always do first- haha. We are creatures of habit...big time. We always go there first and head to the basement to The Cellar, a restaurant that we love. Well they have flipped around everything in the store and there is no longer the Cellar! We ended up grabbing lunch at a SUPER cute restaurant up on a higher floor with HUGE windows and gorgeous views-- much different than our view from the basement....!
Had had a yummy lunch and some yummy drinks and got ready to shop shop shop.
Since we are creatures of habit, we had to find the holiday floor next. The first person we asked for directions said they didn't think they had a holiday floor... uhhh... and then we rode up the elevator and saw this.... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....
I sent the below picture to my dad. He knows, and for whatever reason, totally gets our love of Holiday Lane-- he appreciates it!
We headed down to the workout department. I tried on these sweatpants and was in love-- but they were too big....! They did not have the size smaller and two sizes smaller made them lose some of their comfort factor. I will be stalking to try to find them again. They made me happy. I did buy the blue shirt!
One year, mom and I got lost in the men's section of Macy's. I realize this sounds super stupid. But we got in there and could.not.get.out. One whole half of 3 floors is devoted to mens. I think the store was under construction because everything turn we took lead us further into men stuff. We almost did it again this time-- but we stopped when we saw this man. We learned.
Mom had some booties in mind that she wanted to try and I had some brown boots I was eyeing so we hit up boots next. While we waited for our shoes to magically appear, we snapped a selfie. Pretty sure we sent this to dad too.
We did not buy any boots, but we felt like we earned some champagne... right on the shoe floor, there is a little coffee bar that sells bubbly too.... we enjoyed these tall pours!
We left after a while and walked toward Lord and Taylor-- their outside decorations were amazing! It felt like we were in another world!
We spent some time inside and then took another picture as we were leaving. It was seriously gorgeous!
We headed back to the hotel and talked to my brother who let us know his youngest daughter was sick. They were taking her to the ER. Mom and I felt totally helpless and super far from home. We had reservations that night at Beauty and Essex. We got there and ordered some food, which came....
..but we were unable to enjoy it. We were worried sick about Margaret. Chris texted us while we were there that they were thinking she was going into ICU. We got our check and left without eating-- the most expensive thing I never ate! ha....
After talking to Chris and hearing the fear in his voice, we decided to head home the next morning.
We were in NYC less than 24 hours. We had SO MUCH planned for Monday and Tuesday, but we both agreed it was the right thing to do to be back where we could help, if needed.
So, Monday morning, at 4am, our alarm went off and we headed to the airport.
We landed at 8:50 and went straight to the hospital. Thankfully, Margaret was doing so much better and she was released later that afternoon.
The trip was cut short, but I am thankful we packed as much fun as we did on Sunday! I can't wait for next year... more fun and more memories!