Here's some random shots from the weekend...
Friday he was all set for school....
Friday afternoon, the boys played in the backyard and had quite the football game going on. It was hilarious to watch them running around like crazy...and tackling each other like crazy. I posted a video to instagram where Cal tackled Andy-- pretty hard. I shouldn't laugh about it, I know, but it is kinda awesome to see brothers playing like brothers.
As I worked on the downstairs playroom, the boys were in awe of all of the things I was "discovering." Suddenly, they LOVED the barn they hadn't played with in 3 years, and the "race car mat they haven't touched in years was their "most favorite thing ever!" Once they went to bed, the real progress was made. Andy found a Santa hat and promptly put it on his head and watched my every move deciding if I was a good girl or not.... spoiler alert: I am not a good girl, according to Andy.
Saturday morning, I cleaned out my closet-- another item on the list that was much needed. I started a goodwill pile on the floor a few months ago and it has been growing and growing-- I needed to bad it up and take it in! In between filling bags, we wrapped presents for a birthday party we had for two of our favorite people! Cal insisted on making them a card-- I thought this was so sweet....
The party was a blast- it was a Peter Pan and Tinkerbell theme and they had a gem stone mining company come and set up a station outside-- it was SO cool!
Eddie and Dustin matched head to toe-- we were all dying laughing. What are the chances?? hahaha
There was a lady painting faces at the party. Both of my boys are pretty anti-face paint. They just aren't a huge fan of it on their face. But Andy was intrigued at this party. Could be because the face painter was gorgeous and super sweet...could be because he saw Janey having it done and she wasn't scared... so Andy started small and got a little batman symbol painted on his arm. Then he got down and would stop staring at it.
Then I told Andy she could paint anything on his face, like a tiger or anything else. He immediately said he wanted to be a tiger. He walked right over and waited his turn to become a tiger...I was cracking up the whole time. But in all seriousness, this is a really big step for a kid like Andy-- who is scared of everything.
He held on to the arm rests of the chair the whole time... just in case...
Almost done.... he wasn't so sure of things...
All done! My little tiger!
He LOOOOOVED his face painted. LOVED it! He wanted to stare at himself nonstop and was just grinning ear to ear the rest of the day.
Janey had her face painted....along with her legs and feet! She certainly wasn't afraid!
After the birthday party, we stopped by mom and dad's house for a bit and then I ran home to let the dogs out and then we headed over to another friends house for some time around their bon fire outside! It was a cooooold night but we had so much fun with our friends.
The boys were thirsty so we sent them over to the cooler thinking there were juice boxes in there...they found some beer and thought it was sprite.... we were all dying laughing. Guess you had to be there, really, but this made me laugh so hard.
Sunday morning I hit the grocery store for all of my Thanksgiving day items and then I worked (hard) on the upstairs playroom. This is not an easy task with two "helpers." I finally finished and the closet looks better than ever....
....and the playroom is still looking pretty clean too! Hopefully we can keep it like this for at least a week....???
Sunday afternoon, Cal had swim practice. Andy has been dying to try swimming again and is pretty adamant about having lessons. I emailed the girl about lessons on and she was free before practice on Sunday. Andy was THRILLED when I told him he was getting a lesson. He immediately found his goggles and was so happy.
He took his lesson very seriously and was smiling the whole time he was swimming.
He ended the lesson by jumping in and swimming to the side... can you tell how serious he is??
I was exhausted Sunday night. Flat worn out. I wanted to take a bath and Eddie didn't want to deal with Bruce and his antics (he is locked in the kitchen, but has learned how to escape the kitchen now that he's growing) so he came in the bathroom with me-- not a very relaxing bath! I was paranoid the entire time that he would jump in the tub. Eddie finally came up and got him. Cute face though!
Can't believe it is already time for THANKSGIVING!!! Get on those stretchy pants....! I will be eating way too much, but I am also planning on working out a bunch. Local friends- there is a FREE popup class on Thursday morning and then a regular class on Friday that I am teaching.... just in case you've been wanting to try it!
Happy turkey time!