Normally when we go down there, there's family down, or we take friends down, or we try to schedule meet ups with people... this time it was just us four (five if you count Bru!), and we had so so so much fun. The kids were well behaved, the weather was amazing, and everyone was just really happy!
This post will be picture-heavy. I posted like a fool on instagram the whole weekend. Couldn't help myself. Feel free to skip over this post. It's a long one.
The boys and I went down Wednesday- we didn't have anything the rest of the week and all their buddies were in school so we decided to scoot.
Bruce went for a golf cart ride right off the bat-- he was super excited to go....
SWIMMING! I swear, this is his happy place too! Look at him smiling!
The next day, we ran to the store for some groceries. I ran into the dollar tree to get something for the boys and picked up this hat. I thought it was cute for a buck! ha!
We went over to the beach for a while-- this one was in heaven. The boys were too! I didn't take any pictures there because I was trying to watch the dog and the kids and it was just a lot!
That night we went on a sunset cruise with my parents who were down at their house with some friends.
It was a gorgeous sunset!

The next morning, Cal lost another tooth! He actually pulled this one out with very little ordeal at all, shockingly!
Snuggles with Bru

Back to the beach-- these two played in the surf for hours! It was LOVELY out there!

I love these next two:
And the pool:

Eddie was coming down that night so I let the ids stay up to wait for him. Andy fell into the nap trap and didn't make it to see him get there.
The next day was beyond beautiful. We headed out in the boat and had the best day out on the water.
That smile! That hair!!!
We went to sand dollar island, which is basically my favorite spot, and played for hours.

We found many many sand dollars, but decided to leave them all there for others coming.
The boys worked with the trainer kite.... (see those clouds in the back ground?!)

Me and the Nugster, ignoring the clouds behind us....
Lots of water playing (there was a big ledge there that he was diving into-- definitely not shallow water as it appears)
Another sand dollar!
So much fun being together today.
We were having so much fun---
The weather turned rotten pretty quickly so we had to make a quick run for it to a restaurant nearby-- no one seemed to mind!
It looked like a break in the storm, so we loaded up and headed home-- only to be hit by another storm, this with a WHOLE lot of lightning. So we pulled into a marina and found a safe spot to hunker down and wait it out:
We made it home safely and everyone agreed that even with the storm, it was the most fun day ever. So much so that we loaded up to do it again the next day-- this time with more fishing.
After fishing for a while, we anchored and swam a bit. Apparently Cal aged while we were out there.

We had another wonderful day out on the water with our crew! I love their tan little smiles in this one.
Monday morning, we made plans to drive to Wilmington (just me and the boys) to visit our buddies that moved. The kids played for a while and had a blast and then the whole basketball team showed up. Boys were in heaven!
And then it was time for the ECLIPSE! We went over to a friend of their's dock to watch. Boys thought it was pretty cool, but were more excited to swim and play.
Ms. Kris helped Andy see the eclipse--
A big fat crew out watching:
We were supposed to head home after the eclipse, but boys were begging to stay for a sleepover. So we ended up staying and heading out to a REALLY fun dinner at a Japanese steak house.
Saki in a squirt bottle the whole meal... it was hilarious and ugly and so much fun.
Randomly each kid won a ball in the grabby machine-- they were so excited!
It was such a great way to finish the summer off-- we came home and got ready to meet the teacher!