This year, we sat with the Conner's-- Brad's family. Cal was SOOO excited to get to sit with Brad!
It starts out a little chaotic every year- people are trying to make plates from the buffet, kids are running everywhere and it is just wild....then, the doors open and you hear bells ringing. Santa walks in and everyone just freezes and stares at him. I caught this picture of Cal and Brad right as he was walking in...
After Santa makes his grand entrance, he sits in a chair for kids to go up and see him. I took this one of Brad and his baby sister, Jane:
Brad asked Santa for a trampoline.... hahahaha
While we were waiting in line, both boys were hovering nervously around me. I had my hand down and they each grabbed a finger on the same hand. We stood in line like this for a while. I couldn't stop staring at my hand. It sounds so cheesy, but it was so special. How much longer will they do this? I am guessing not much, so I am going to enjoy this!
Andy was Mr. Personality that night... he was all about getting as close to Santa as he possibly could, but then he would run away. In playing this game, he managed to photo bomb several family pictures...
Then, it was our turn.
As a reminder, this was Cal last year:
And this was him this year....
He was very serious and very sweet to Santa.
He told Santa he really wanted an airport and a football game. Santa asked him what his favorite team was, he said the Giants (which isn't true-- he's obsessed with the Packers). Santa asked him if he was a good boy and Cal said, "yeah. I am!" Then Santa asked Cal what his mommy wanted for Christmas. Cal told him a Tinker Bell (I was trying to get him to say shoes! Boots! purses! but don't worry, Santa-- I send you my list). Then he changed it to a Jingle Bell.
And then, it was time for Andy to join Cal on Santa's lap. He wasn't real excited about it. At all.
Then he threw his arms up to try and twist out of his grasp. Santa said "ho ho ho, buddy! Not making me look so good right now hohohoooo!!!" It was hilarious...hard not to laugh, really.
Cal was all smiles. Andy was all screams.
After we were done with Santa, Andy would NOT leave him alone. He would run up to him and touch his knee (while there was another child sitting on his lap) and then run away. He would sneak up to him and get as close as he could and just look at him...and then he would run away. It was a mess. He thought it was just the funniest thing.
Getting ready to pounce on Santa....
This little girl is Phoebe. She is in Andy's class. She actually has a little thing for Cal. but Andy was having a ball playing with her.
Someone asked Santa where his reindeer were and he said they were on the golf course. The boys ran to the window to look for them...
We put some of the many many kids there up on the fireplace for a picture. From left to right, Brad, Jack, Elle, T, Cal and Andy.
More chasing Phoebe....
And this was a picture from last year's dinner with Santa of Cal and Brad. It is WILD to me how much they have changed in just a year....
I keep saying it and I can't say it enough... I have always loved Christmas time, but having a child to share all of this magic with is just so special. Cal can NOT wait for Santa!