Let me try this post again!
.... Last Thursday morning (9/22), I drove and picked up my sweet friend Andrea (she was my MOH in my wedding!!!) and then we drove to Greensboro to pick up our friend Julie (both of these ladies are Andy's Godmothers!) and then from there we drove to Charlotte to catch a flight to MISSISSIPPI! (I love typing that word....). We did this trip last year and had soooooo much fun so we were all anxious to return again!
We got on board in Charlotte and promptly made drinks for the flight. Because, well, duh.
We got to Ashley's house and hung out for a while and then Ashley surprised us with our ride to dinner:
It's called a FLYING TUCK and it was so much fun! Its like a big oversized golf cart.
These two cuties sat on one side....
and me and Andrea were on the other. I always hate when I take pictures like the one below, with my mouth open and laughing....but then when I look back through the pictures from the trip, I love it because we look really happy! It makes me smile when I see it now-- glad I didn't delete!
We rode the flying tuck into the square for drinks before dinner.
Our first stop was a really cool rooftop bar for drinks. We all got the Miss Mississippi and it was delicious!

We all got the Miss Mississippi and it was delicious!
Our next stop was dinner out on the square at a really fun little restaurant. Thank goodness Ashley made reservations because it was slammed packed.

By the end of the night, our early morning wake up call was hitting us all pretty hard so we headed home to crash!
The next day, Friday, we took a walk, went into the square for some fun shopping and went out to lunch. It was PACKED! Ole Miss was playing Georgia and their fans certainly traveled well for this game.
Friday night we went out to eat at Ashley's country club- which is just down the street from her house.
It was a more low key night but still sooooo much fun! A LOT of laughing took place.
Love this picture! Might be one of my faves from the trip! Don't we just look HAPPY?!?!? I love these peeps. So so so much.
We were all a little bummed when we found out the game started at 11 Saturday morning. That doesn't leave much time for Grove hopping-- but it all worked out GREAT. We pregamed in Matt's office, where it was nice and cool.
When we walked into the practice facility, we had to take a picture-- it truly is breath taking-- and we've been there before! It still is just really neat in there.
Ashley had a grad assistant drive us through the Grove to see it all. Andrea had never seen it and Julie and I wanted to see it again-- since the early start, none of Ashley's friends were doing a big tailgate until after the game, but the Grove was still going in full effect!
Back in the football offices-- had to take a picture in front of the Ole Miss sign in the team meeting room!
And really-- you know I had to get a pic with Mr. Manning!
Okay so the game. When I say it was hot, that doesn't quite describe it. I believe the temperature was 99, with a "feels like" of 108 in the stadium. It wasn't just hot. It was OH MY GOOD GRACIOUS I AM MELTING hot. But it was still fun!
We went back into Matt's office at half time and basically sprawled out in some AC to bring our body temps back to normal-ish. I am not sure I have ever sweat that much-- and that really says something because I am a sweater. (ha)
This was taken at the end of the game-- WE SMOKED UGA! holllla!
We went to a little party after the game and then headed to the Luke's house for some football and relaxing. Her sweet boys love to snuggle and they were all cozied up with us on the couch. Made me miss my stinkers!
We were up early the next morning to head to the airport! It was SUCH a fun trip! We laughed a ton, talked nonstop and just really enjoyed each other!
This little Nugget was excited to see me when I got home. He wanted night time snuggles with his shades on. Because why not?!?!
We can't wait to hopefully go again next year!!! I feel it is an annual tradition!!!
Side note: last year Tiffani went to (Hi, T!). She couldn't go this year because she threw her husband a BOMB 40th birthday party. She's crazy talented. If you want to see what she's up to, follow her blog HERE.
Thanks for having us, ALuke!!!! Love you!