Friday, while the boys were in school, I made a quick run to target and got them these jerseys. I just felt like they really needed them....okay, so they really wanted them. Whatever. I had them placed on the back of the couch so when they walked in from school, it was the first thing they saw. They were super excited!
They pulled hard for the TARHEELS all weekend!
Friday night, I went with some friends to see Kinky Boots at the DPAC. We had such a fun night out and liked the play too!
While I was at the play, Eddie took the boys to a fun spot to watch them game with a whole bunch of guys (and their sons!). The game started at 7 and they ended up staying until the end-- which wasn't early!!! Those were some tired boys!
Saturday morning, I woke up with a cold, which I am still fighting like crazy, but I had to shake it off and get my act together because it was time to teach KIDSPOP!
I had these little poppers doing wall sits-- don't they look like they are enjoying it??? haha And then after, I took pictures with two sweet, sweet girls:
P, below, and I wore matching shirts for our picture... we seriously planned it. And that's why I eat this stuff up. For cuties like this:
After popup, we ran a few super quick errands and then it was time for the last game for the Red Swords!
They ended with a loss; their only loss of the season! But the kids played great and they had a blast doing it-- what more could we ask??!! Cal got a few baskets, and he was grinning ear to ear. He was supporting his team mates with high fives and pats on the back, and I was proud of my buddy. He learned a lot this season-- but mainly he learned how much he loves basketball! He's already sad there won't be any more games.
How sweet are these two?? I work with Laynie's mom and I adore them both! Cal and Laynie are good friends too and Kristen and I love to watch them together.
We came home for lunch and Cal got on his "cell" and was calling Owen and discussing basketball plays. He kept pushing the ringer button and saying, "oh, that must be Owen again......" and then talking away. Good gracious, a look into my future??
Friday night's late night caught up with Andy. He did kidspop Saturday morning and then went to Cal's basketball game. When we got home from the game, Andy was walking around crying. I asked him what was wrong and he said, "I don't knoooooow!" So I put on some paw patrol and gave him a big ol blanket and he was OUT. Big fat 3 hour nap. Good stuff.
Eddie's sister CB flew in Saturday night to come visit-- everyone always asks what brings her to town, and seriously, she is just that sweet that she comes to visit a lot! We love having her and the boys adore her... it works out well!
We spent Saturday night with a bottle of wine and the UNC game.
Sunday morning we took the dogs on a walk and hung out with Tricia and Tommy too.
I am on a few committees at the country club and they had a "boot camp" thing this year where they asked all committee members to come and learn about all the inner-workings of the club, etc. It was 2.5 hours. Inside. And it was GORGEOUS outside. I sat there from noon until 2:35. I was going crazy.
CB sent me this picture from lunch with Tricia and the boys at Firehouse:
Then Cal decided she needed to change clothes and get ready to play outside... and do this with his hands....
I got home from my workshop and saw this in the cul de sac... BRIGHT blue skies and two boys riding their bikes, happy as clams!
We moved our party to the driveway where Tommy lifted the boys over and over and over again- he got his workout in!
and the girls cracked open some wine and drank it in red solo cups. #whynot?
We spent most of the day outside, dogs included, so by last night, Bruce was practically begging to go to bed. He was ready!
I am loving this spring like weather and pray it is here to stay! I am also praying this little cold I have leaves me quickly-- I am not feeling well at the moment..... oh well! Life doesn't stop for a cold, that is for sure!