Cal had a teacher work day so no school for him. Andy was supposed to go to school, but he had a bad cough-- no fever, and really no complaints, but he wanted to stay home because Cal was. I decided to let them hang out together. We went to popup in the morning and ran some errands including the library. We also went to the doctor to have him look at Andy to make sure it wasn't strep (since Cal had it a few weeks ago, I wanted to check.). Strep test came back normal and we were told it was just a cold that had to run its course. Both boys got flu shots while we were there-- they were NOT happy about it! haha
About half way through the errands, Andy asked to come home to take a nap... uhhhh, red flag. He doesn't ever ask to take a nap. Well, he crashed HARD and slept for a long time.
He felt a little warm to me, but not too bad. I became a night time stalker this week (more so than usual...). I have a ton of pictures of my sleeping kids. These are from me checking in on them before I went to bed.
I was woken up at 12:30 by Andy as he got on the floor of our room. He wasn't feeling great and felt hot to me. I took his temp and it was 102. I gave him some advil and laid on the floor with him holding his hand. He kept feeling warmer and warmer to me. His hand was downright HOT to the touch so I took his temp again after about an hour and it was 103.5. Excuse me, but that is higher than I want it to be. I called the advice nurse at 1:30am and had to wait for her to call me back. We finally brought the fever down, but talk about scary.
I had to work on Tuesday so I didn't take very many pictures. My sweet mom kept Andy so I could still go in. I dropped him off and ran home after work to get him. He had fun with mom, but he was not feeling well at all. Bless his heart. She let him take a bath and he spent some quality time in her bed relaxing. He even dozed off a little bit.
I co-taught a burn 1000 class Tuesday night and my mom kept the boys for me-- she is the best, really! Eddie picked a big week to be gone! She told me Hank was in Cal's bed when he went to sleep, and sure enough, and I sleep-stalked him that night, there was Hank!
Andy migrated to my bed around 10:30 where I thought his fever was gone, but it was sky high again.
Wednesday, Andy stayed home yet again...doesn't he look like he feels great? The fact that he stayed in the cart at Target tells you he was not feeling well! We had to run to Target to get some more meds for him...
While there, we got a call from the doctor that his strep test came back POSITIVE....! I was thankful to get him started on meds ASAP.
He took his temp by himself a few more times that day...
Thursday, the mouse class celebrated Halloween, so Kristen and I were Minnie Mouses again this year!
The medicine was working miracles on Andy and he was feeling great for school-- thankfully! We came home and I wanted him to rest up a little bit before tennis. He put on a cape instead and played.
Both boys had Halloween tennis, where they get to wear a costume while they play... super cute:
We had plans that night, but I didn't want to push Andy too hard, so we got take out from the club and headed home. I think it was a smart choice!
Bruce still sleeps in his crate and loves it...but we were thinking he might like to sleep out of his crate in our room. He was being super sweet Thursday night so I thought I would give it a shot. At first, he started out like this....
By 10:15, he was standing next to the bed like this, panting. Back to the crate he goes!!! He will get it one day...
...was Andy's school parade! So, he picked out this costume forever ago and was SO excited about it. But then after tennis on Thursday, he said he wasn't going to be Santa. Uh, yes you are. He was worried people would laugh at him. Uh, they's hilarious. So Friday morning, it came time to get dressed, and he freaked out. ROUGH MORNING...
We finally compromised.
Walking in the parade...tongue out-- that's his trying not to smile face...
After the parade, I bolted to meet Kristen at Chick Fil A to pick up lunch for Cal's class. We then headed to school to drop it off. It was so fun getting to have lunch with them!
Cal's teacher from last year has a niece that teaches first grade at his school. Her best friend has a nephew in Cal's class so the two of them come down to visit all the time-- I love this picture! She is adorable!
I ran back to pick up Andy from school and then brought him back to Cal's class for his Fall Fest! They had centers set up around the room and Andy hopped right in and participated like he was in kindergarten! Cal loved having him there too- it was sweet. At Cal's school, kids are allowed to dress up like a character in a book. He wore a jersey and brought a football book with him-- creative, huh.
Cal and Jackson had fun together...goofballs!
Andy pulled up a seat right next to Mrs. Warren and made himself at home. He is sitting next to Cal's buddy, Tyler.
Their school is doing a Fun Run to raise money. Cal got a sponsor so he got a sweat band. He thinks it is the greatest thing ever. He was SO excited to get this on Friday!
We left school and headed home for some chill out time. The three of us snuggled on the couch and it was awesome. They were really so good all week for me-- doing it solo isn't easy, but when they are good, it makes it so much easier.
We carved a pumpkin together and they helped me scoop out all the goop.
Cheesin with the pumpkin!
As a reward for being so good all week, I took them to Menchies... where I made the ultimate mom fail. I helped Andy fix his ice cream and Cal made his own. We sat down to eat and Cal offered me his last bite.... all I tasted was coffee. He had gotten into the coffee flavored yogurt. I looked it up on line and it said that it had as much caffeine as a cup of coffee. Cal does not need caffeine. At all.
Thankfully he revved up, but calmed down somewhat quickly. He fell asleep without a problem- phew.
It was a busy week and we had a fun weekend following! Post coming soon!