We decided to make a weekend out of it, instead of just a day. We left after popup Saturday morning and headed to Charlotte for lots of fun and laughing together. Surprisingly, even though we were at the end of our winter break with a whole lot of togetherness, we weren't sick of each other on this trip.
Hitting the road!
We checked into the hotel Saturday around 4:30 and I showed Andy some train tracks right next to our hotel. Right when he went to look, a train came out. Y'all. I seriously thought the kid was going to wet his pants he was so excited. He has seen trains before-- he isn't even train-obsessed like many kids. But this level of excitement was off the charts. Can't even explain it!
He stood at the window, watching and waiting and then screaming like a fool every time a train popped out. It was awesome-- and totally made the trip worth it! ha!
After checking in and getting settled, we headed out to a restaurant, Cabo Fish Taco, for some dinner. It was soooooo good! It is in kind of an artsy area and while we were waiting, we popped into a store across the way-- Mr. Ham was posing in the dressing room. Cracking us up.
I wasn't going to drink...but they had a skinny margartia that I figured I probably should try it. And it was good.
Nug was thrilled with the guac....YUM.
They had on the Arkansas bowl game and I caught Cal in the middle of doing the Pig Sooey call- hahaha It was fun watching the game together and cheering on the hogs and poppy.
The second touchdown we saw, I caught Andy in mid-cheer- hahaa
We headed back to the hotel and these revolving doors provided loads of entertainment for these two...
And then some naked football playing took place. He was kicking the ball into the trash can as hard as he could and then falling over from laughing.
I got the kids in bed (Eddie had a meeting) and settled in to read my book...and then I realized I LEFT MY BOOK IN THE CAR! I quick texted Eddie and he offered to bring it to the elevators, if I could just run down-- so I hopped in the elevator in my jammies and a fleece vest and cruised down. Looking HAWT, y'all.
Okay, these next few pictures are obnoxiously cute. The boys were SO excited, they had a hard time falling asleep, but then they finally did. I looked over and they were like this, so I took a picture-- they were holding hands...
And then I looked and Cal was holding Andy's arm.
And, many of you know Andy has a serious problem with twirling his hair-- it's a serious problem....ugh-- so when I looked over and he was twirling Cal's hair, I about died! I sent this picture to the fam and Tricia replied that Cal was going to wake up with a bald spot (Andy has a BAD one....)
Then, we all started to doze off and Cal said something in his sleep. I looked over and saw this.... and I about died.
They stayed this way for a while. The TCU game was getting crazy good so we stayed up to watch the end and they were grabbing hold of each other still...
And finally, Cal flailed around and Andy rolled over....but kept an arm on him.
The sweetest boys. I didn't sleep much that night because two adults in full beds doesn't work for me. Momma needs a queen sized bed, please! hahahaha
The boys were up and rearing to go Sunday morning. We first checked out the pool... they had SO much fun swimming. When they were swimming (inside) and a train went by, I thought Andy might lose it. He was BEYOND excited-- too funny.
After pool time, we walked around a bit and had a delicious lunch. We finished up there and went to meet Bruce--- these boys adore him and were so excited to get to talk to him.
I wish I got a picture of the hugs they gave him when we first got there. They both rested their heads on his shoulder all cuddled up. Such a sweet man.
Walking back to the hotel....
We had a little bit of chill time and then it was time to get ready for the game! We didn't want to wear too much panthers gear so not to be disrespectful to Bruce, so we wore black to be safe!
I packed gloves and hats and coats because temps were supposed to be dropping later....and they did!
Walking into the stadium, Andy asked me to take a picture of him "in front of the logo! Can you see the logo, mommy??" (you can't even see HIM in this picture!)
We got in our seats and got to watch warm ups-- they boys were beyond excited.
They each got a program and sat and read all the rosters.
Ready for game time!
He was taking it all in... asking lots of questions, but not scared, like he usually is. He truly loved it.
Of course Cal loved it all too and spent most of the time calling the plays after they happened, two beats ahead of the stadium announcer. It was too funny.
Doing his panther ROAR that they do after each first down.
Those temps did drop and we were thankful for hats and gloves and warm coats!
Dancing-- of course!
We stayed until the end of the game (8:30ish) and then we sat in traffic. And then we sat in more traffic. And then we didn't move. All we would see was red lights.)
Soon, both boys were asleep....and we thought we were golden.
But then Andy woke up screaming and Cal couldn't get comfortable...so I climbed in the back seat and sat on the floor, holding Andy and serving as a pillow for Cal.
But it was worth it all for that weekend-- we had so much fun together as a family!
It was ROUGH getting everyone ready and out the door this morning though... phew! Back to life!!!