Andy is a pre-k graduate!
After watching Cal graduate last week, Andy wanted to dress nicely for his as well.
He insisted on a blazer and a button down-- but "no bowtie, momma"
When did he get so old?!?
Cal was supposed to just go to school...but he started presenting his argument for why he should get to go to Andy's graduation-- Andy got to go to his after all.... and when I said no another time, he went and got himself dressed and came out like this. He said "I thought if I looked nice, you would let me go see Andy graduate." Hard to say no to that, buddy.... So Cal got out of school early to go support his little brother.
The whole class walked in to the class room and sat on the floor. The teacher read a poem to the class and then called each kid up and gave up them a diploma and special award- different for each kid.
Hugging his teacher-- loving the cap.
The family shot-- Cal clearly pleased he got to escape kindergarten for a few hours. (also- I look pregnant. I am not.... but dang, I look it.....)
And Andy's award: "Most Marvelous Manners".... is that a joke? Seriously, teachers? Andy's whole cheering section (my parents, me, Eddie and Cal) all burst out laughing-- but hey, glad he has manners when he's at school......!
This picture sums up these brothers to a T! hahahaha
And here is Andy with his teachers. He has had a great year as a Pony Pal and he is now ready for KINDERGARTEN! Bring it on!
This graduation is a little bittersweet. I love love love our preschool and I am sad that we no longer have a child there (however, I will not miss paying a tuition check!). It will be weird walking in to go to work on Tuesdays and Thursdays without my little buddy next to me. For the last few years, I have been driving to the school 5 days a week....and now I will just be going twice a week- just for work.
It is the end of an era.... but the start of a really exciting one!