This past weekend was one of those that was filled to the brim every day...and I am still recovering from it today (hence the tardiness of this post....! and my lack of posts this week!).
I considered breaking the weekend into several posts, but, let's be real, that is obnoxious, so here it is in one looong post. Feel free to skim!
Friday, the boys had a birthday party at Kidzu in the mall. I was going to just drop off Andy, but then Cal was invited too and he wanted to stay, so they both stayed while I ran and picked up my car with Eddie. It worked out perfectly! When I showed back up, Andy wanted to show me the cow he found:
He ran off and after a while, I went to look for him. If you know Andy, you know he FREAKS out when he can't find me. Well, when I finally found him, he wasn't freaking out at all. He was actually standing in front of the person putting on a show and he was dancing and singing and happy as can be. Go figure!
So serious....
Friday night, we decided to hang low at the house. We had a really great night playing in the backyard and just hanging out.
Andy wasn't hanging very low, but he was still hanging....
Saturday morning we were up and moving early! Andy is playing tee ball this summer (Cal really wanted to, but he was going to miss so many Saturdays, it didn't make sense to sign him up. He isn't thrilled with me. Andy is PUMPED). I took Andy to his "game" and Eddie took Cal to a football clinic put on by Bruce Carter in Haveloc.
I had to take this picture before we left. He was sooooo excited!
We got there and he ran right out, zero hesitation. Such a stark contrast to
last summer when I signed them both up and Andy had one of the biggest meltdowns I have ever witnessed. It was horrific.
This time, he was smiling, laughing, chatting with his buddies and SO SO happy to be out there!
He loved every minute of it and it was a huge relief to see him enjoying it all. He was being a really good listener too, so that made me happy!
Goooo, Fireballls!
Cal also had a big morning at the football camp. I think it was super hot there, but he had a great time seeing Bruce and playing football.
We tried to rest up in the afternoon because Saturday night we had tickets to see KID ROCK! This was super random and, truthfully, we weren't all that excited about going. I don't really know many Kid Rock songs, but we decided to go and have fun and maybe it would turn out to be great. It turned out to be AWESOME!
We had SOOOO much fun! Hampton rented a limo-- here we are on the way to the concert....
Waiting in line to get in to the concert...
My handsome hubby and I (with my $15 drink....!!!!). It was a million degrees the whole day, but for whatever reason, it felt amazing out that night. We weren't even close to being hot!
We had really great seats, not too far from the stage.
Foreigner opened for Kid Rock-- and I don't know many of their songs... but I do love me some late 80s early 90s music and I was rocking out. You know who else was rocking out? These two.
Oh, sorry, Ed....two back to back mouth wide open pics.... oh well! I love this picture-- you can tell we are having so much fun!
It was like the night of the selfie! hhahahahaha
So much fun with this crew!!!
It was a LATE LATE LATE night and we were worn out on Sunday. But the kids don't really care if we are worn out! Cal and Andy went to bed at the Corley's house and then we woke them up when we got back and took them home.
The boys were ready to go on Sunday. Eddie went to play golf and I took Cal to a birthday party where they had one of these (among many, many other inflatables!). While Cal was at party, Andy and I went to the pool to play for a bit.
Sunday night, I was done. I was exhausted and the boys were worn out too. We were all pretty sick of each other and Eddie's golf game went much longer than we thought. I got the kids fed and, but 7:04, they were both asleep. I took a screenshot to send to a friend to say, "ahhhhhhhh..." Early bed time was needed!
It was a great weekend filled with fun! We have more fun coming next weekend too... better rest up!