We met 3 other really fun couples there and spent a lot of time with them. We went out to eat at some neat, yummy places. We hung out around the pool/in the ocean/on the patio... literally, whatever we wanted to do!
The hotel was amazing too... full kitchen, living room, dining room, GINORMOUS bedroom/bathroom suite....
Anyway-- it was such a great trip...I will share some pics here...
My hot date for the week:
A date night to Coco Bistro:
Our theme dinner on the beach:
Yup-- the waters really do look like this.... ahhhhhhh
Eddie paddle boarding:
We had a few brief showers while we were there. I rolled my rear over to our little couch on our patio and continued reading...didn't bother me:
We had dinner at DA CONCH SHACK. Every single local we asked said we HAD to eat here... so we did...and they were right. It was yummy!
The rum punch was flowing... obviously....
And more rum punch....I mean, it's infamous....
And that leads me to take pictures with the bartenders...who named me Suga Suga....
And that leads to pics like this one....
Our last cocktail hour before dinner... these were the girls of the couples we met: Kelly, Andrea and Jackie...REALLY fun people:
One last picture with my hot date...
We had SUCH a great trip and Eddie and I are beyond grateful to Eddie's mom and my parents for being on kid duty while we were gone. We wouldn't get to go these trips without their help...and we owe them big time!!!
I will do another post with the pictures from my phone-- they include the ones we took down there with my phone, and the ones sent to us by Mimi and grandma.
Back to the real world!