Part of the reason they are growing like weeds is because we eat all of the food we put in the cart while still in the grocery store.....
This little nugget just doesn't seem so little any more. The terrible twos have hit HARD over here. When he is sweet, he is the sweetest thing EVER, but at the drop of a hat, things switch and he has thrown himself on the floor in a full out scream fit. Wednesday, after being at school all morning, he did not nap. DID.NOT.NAP. He has never missed a nap. He usually naps 3-4 hours. Yes, HOURS. So an afternoon sans nap was a rude awakening for me. Yesterday, the fit he threw in the parking lot of the gym was flat out violent. He flung himself backwards (on the asphalt) in a puddle. I grabbed his arm about a millisecond before his head bashed the pavement. The "fit" continued for about 5 minutes of screaming, thrashing, hitting, yelling, etc etc. And then, next thing I know, he's smiling at me like this...
And this...
He is a strong-willed little boy and when he doesn't get what he wants when he wants it, all hell breaks loose. And, he is STRONG. If he doesn't want to be put in his car seat, it is just about impossible for me to get him in there. Wish that was an exaggeration. It takes every bit of my strength to get him strapped in. There will be more posts on this, I am sure. Get exciiiiiited!
I let Andy sit at the kid table in the family room for lunch the other day as a special treat. He loved it!
But then he really wanted to join Hank on the floor!
I think Andy's appetite has increased lately too. I think that's why he didn't nap on Wednesday-- we went to dinner that night and he ate 3 full plates of food and icecream. Today, he was not napping so I took some apple sauce to his room and he chowed down, then passed out. Guess it's time to up his intake!
Cal has not napped once this week. In fact, his last nap was early last week. He has quiet time for a little bit, but then he is up and at um and wanting some entertainment. I found these awesome books at a store here, so we are working on letters. He LOVES doing this! He was concentrating so hard on each page.
Every night, the boys take a bath. And every single night, Andy gets in the tub and pees. We know it's coming, he knows it's coming, Cal REALLY knows now that it's coming. So I brought down our old potty training potty. We are NOT potty training this kid right now. I repeat-- we are NOT even attempting to potty train him. But we wanted to have him sit on it before bath each night to try to get the pee in there instead of the tub. He hasn't gone yet, but he sat and thought it was pretty funny. He also tries to go in the big potty by standing next to it, like Cal. Andy is not tall enough to go in that potty, but refuses to stand on a stool. He walks up to the potty, pushes his mid-section up to it, leans a little, and then turns around, swinging his arms, and looks to all of us to cheer for him- ha! This one is a character!
He is such a character that we were not surprised when Cal came running into our bathroom the other day saying "Andy got in the bathtub and turned on the water and he is wet!" Sure enough-- Andy let himself in the tub in his pjs and turned on the water. He thought it was hilarious.
Yesterday, after the meltdowns that occurred at the gym, we headed to the playground to run run run and have some release of energy. Cal didn't have school because of parent conferences so both kids had a ball playing in the freeeezing cold.
Last night, Eddie had dinner with a client, so I made super simple croissant roll ups with cheese, ham and some Dijon mustard. I am just sayin'-- they were amazingly good. Cal, my picky eater, at 2 and a half. Andy had a ton too, obviously....
Annnnd last night, bath time-- I mean, there are so many things to say about this picture....
This morning, the boys were having some fun...
These are all out of order-- we went outside the other day to play at grandma's house. Andy was running as fast as he could push this thing-- all the while holding his lovie in his hand.
Hope y'all have had a great week!!! We are leaving for the BVIs soon.... and I am kicking myself for eating that biscuit this morning....UGH.