Friday, Cal had a tennis match at the club. He is doing a tournament for the next few weeks called the Davis Cup. He loves it! He didn't win, but it was a really close match. They play first to 13 wins, and I think he lost 12-13.
The soccer league he is playing in now offers skills training on Fridays fro 5-6 included in his registration fee. We decided to try it out and it was IMPRESSIVE! I was blown away with the skills they were teaching. Cal had a blast and I am so glad he was able to go. We will definitely be back again.
Eddie was at the airport picking up CB with Andy-- Cal and I were meeting them for dinner and while we waited, he climbed on top of my car. This is not daddy-approved...!
Saturday morning, Andy had his soccer game! The ducks were out and ready to play-- check out how many blondies they have... and this isn't even all of them! This picture is missing at least 3 or 4 other blonde boys.
The other team didn't really show up....and by that, I mean they only had 4 players to go against our 15. It was ugly, but Andy had fun and even scored a goal or 2.
Andy's game was at 9 and Cal's was at 11. In the new league, each kid takes a turn playing goalie.
I am just here to tell you, I am not made to be a soccer goalie's mom. It is WAY too stressful! Cal, on the other hand, loved every minute of it. He looooves diving for the ball, rolling in the grass, and falling over. He loved the gloves he got to wear ("they look like wide receiver gloves!") and he loved stopping the ball. But, his momma was stressed. And I shouldn't have been. But I didn't like it. One bit.
After his time at goalie was up, he gave me a thumbs up. He then spent time on offense and defense. I think he learned a lot about soccer in this game. We are really impressed with the new league and all that he has learned.
My dad rode his bike to the game and Andy insisted on riding home with him. I had Andy's bike in the back of my car (of course I did) so he hopped on and rode with dad. I got this picture as we pulled up behind them. It makes my heart happy to see them together.
We headed home and Andy was back on his bike (because, duh), but I had to take a game day picture to send to the family for Poppy's game...
I asked for a picture of them looking tough...
Cal's birthday party was Sunday, so I spent some time Saturday making cupcakes and making this cake... it's a football. I am not a cake decorator. At all. I won't quit my day job.
Oh! I wore my new necklace on Saturday and I got SO many compliments on it!!!! Love it! You can find one here. My friend Elizabeth owns that shop and there are sooo many adorable pieces! She just added some more and I am obsessed. I want more. I may have a problem.
We scored some tickets to the blue zone for the Carolina game, so we donned our Carolina Blue and headed to campus!
It downpoured on us as we walked up to the tailgate. We got soaked! I looked like a drown rat, but Cal thought it was hilarious and so much fun.
Once we were inside and drying off, I swear, my hair was growing like Monica on that episode of Friends. Oh well! It was such a fun game.
Cal spent most of the game sitting with grandma and grandpa in their seats. He loves watching games with them!
Andy doesn't love the noise that comes with a football game. He prefers to sit inside and watch out the window. He is quite content to watch from behind the glass.
Carrie was here all weekend and I did not take one picture with her...!! What the what??
Sunday morning, we took the boys to Sunday School. I want to try HARD to get them there each week. Of course, this won't always happen, but we are going to try hard. They looked so handsome going this past weekend.
While they were at Sunday school, CB and I ran to the store to get some balloons for the party and then we went back to get them.
We rushed home and changed clothes and then it was time for Cal's 6th birthday party!!! (post coming soon).
After Cal's party, the boys were invited to Brooks's birthday party, which was in the club house. Andy wasn't supposed to go, but one of the other boys got sick, so Andy got included. He was thrilled!
I took this picture of the group at the second bday doing the nay nay dance. As I was taking this, it dawned on me that Cal wasn't in pic....whoops, he was in the bathroom and I totally forgot he went in there. Mom fail.
Lee was there and Andy was STOKED to spend even more time with him!
It was a fun and busy weekend.... life is crazy right now and I think I love it!