Monday, September 8, 2014

Weekend Update

Eddie was out of town this weekend and this momma is worn out.  Seriously exhausted. He gets home late Monday night, and- if I am awake- I will throw my arms around his neck and squeeze him as hard as I can.  Two (wild) boys + two (hyper) dogs + teaching (two jobs) = a lot on a solo person!

Enough complaining... here is a look at our weekend!

We went to dinner at the club Friday night and the kids went to kids club.  Of course they had the best time! On the way to the parking lot, Brad caught a frog-- everyone was amazed! Cal held the frog too, which I was proud of-- he used to freak over that kind of stuff!

Tried SO hard to get a picture of the boys holding the frog, but they couldn't take their eyes off of him!

Saturday morning, I taught a popup class at 9 and then we had a birthday party at the pool from 10-12.  The boys were loving the cupcakes...

They had a great time at the pool and we could have stayed there all day playing!

But, we couldn't...we had another birthday party from 2-4! So we ran home and did a quick change of clothes and let the pups out and we were off again.  This time, the party was on a farm!

Andy wasn't thrilled about the party...for no real reason.  And he was super nervous about the hayride, but he ended up loving it!

Cal's best buddies from school were there and they were SO excited to sit by each other.

Had to take a selfie with my girl...

One of the stops on the hayride was to feed a baby goat a bottle... all the kids got a chance to hold the bottle:

On the way back on the hayride, Andy gained confidence and sat up in the front with the big kids... doesn't look too scared there, does he?

After looking at some animals, the kids came inside for some cupcakes (much sugar was consumed this day!).  Cal sat next to his sweet friend Lilly-- they were in class together last year.  

Andy had too much fun and crashed on the way home.  CRASHED.  He was worn out!!!

Saturday night, the Tarheels were playing.  I contemplated getting a babysitter to go to the game.  My friends were all tailgating together and it would have been so much fun... but then I thought about parking and walking to the tailgate by myself and then going to the game and getting back to my car and getting home....and just thinking about it all made me tired.  Truth be told, I am tired! I haven't slept through the night in I don't know how long (cry me a river, I know....), and I decided it was best just to stay in.  And it was.

I made some sweeeet Ninja Turtle masks for an upcoming birthday par-tay.... (and drank wine too...)

Sunday, I went on a cleaning spree-- I realized that I would only be able to clean if I quarantine these fools in the kitchen.  

Cal is doing a swim clinic for the next few months and they had swim practice Sunday afternoon.  They were doing some ab work-- made me laugh...

And, Sunday night ended like this.... out cold.  He got up in the night, of course...but he got in bed with me-- which is normally a no no, but it was pretty darn sweet to snuggle with him.  He's all over the bed...until I spoon him.  Then he is perfectly still. And sweet. And snuggly goodness. 

Back at it again this week! Eddie's parents come Thursday afternoon and CB comes Saturday and Cal's party is Sunday! Woohoo!!!


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