Tuesday, September 16, 2014

CalBoy is FIVE!

5 years ago today, this little man made me a momma.  My heart is FULL of love for this sweet, caring, energetic, thoughtful, funny, amazing boy.  And so, on his 5th birthday, I decided to write him a little note...

My sweet CalBoy,

When you were born 5 years ago, I never dreamed I could love someone as much as I love you.  I knew I loved you the first time I laid eyes on you-- I fell hard and fast.  But the love I have for you has grown stronger and deeper every single day that I have known you.

On your 5th birthday, I want you to know how proud I am of you.  You are a GOOD boy-- you know the difference between what's right and what's wrong, and you try really, really hard to always make the right decision.  I pray that you will continue making right decisions and that when you do make a bad one (because, we know it will happen!) that you realize where you went wrong and you will do your best to fix it. 

I am forever grateful for your go-with-the-flow attitude.  You are always willing to go out and try something and very rarely do you even hesitate! You are always up to have fun and I adore your eagerness to try new things.  

At 5 years old, you are still a sports crazed kid.  You don't care a thing about much else right now other than football.  But you do still like golf and baseball and swimming and tennis.  And each of your coaches comments after each practice: "He is a really good kid.  He listens well and tries hard." What more could I ask of you?? I am SO proud of you when you go out there and you try your best.  I want to explode with pride when you try your best AND are a good sport-- this past Saturday at your soccer game, you not only scored a goal, but then you turned around and high fived some friends and then went over to check on some team mates that weren't very happy... I fell even more in love with you-- if that's even possible!

Cal, your energy level never seems to slow down.  I want to bottle your energy and drink it! (I never thought I would be the kind of person who said stuff like that because people used to ALWAYS say that to me...apparently I used to have a high level of energy...who knew!).  You go and go and go and go.... and then you sleep. I love watching to sleep.  Sometimes, when I come in to check on you and Andy at night, I will hold your sweet little hand in mine.  You never wake up- you sleep hard! But I hold your hand and I am amazed by how much your hands have grown-- actually, ALL of you has grown!-- it blows my mind! You are growing SO quickly!

One of my most favorite things about you is your laugh-- you have the best belly laugh I have ever heard.  Once you get going, your laugh just takes over.  I love it! It is one of my favorite noises to hear.  Especially when you and Andy are doing something silly and you start laughing- it's all over! Or when Bruce does something like pull your pants off... you get laughing too hard to make him stop!

When you were little I used to hold you and dread the day I wouldn't be able to hold you any more.  Thankfully, I am still able to pick you up...and thankfully you still like to snuggle your mom...because your momma LOVES to snuggle you!

I love watching you with your brother- and I am beyond grateful that he has you to look up to! I pray that you will continue to watch out for him and help him be a good boy like you.  He is learning from the best, if you ask me! You always make sure Andy is okay and while you guys fight often, you play even more often...and that's pretty special.  He is lucky to get a brother like you!

Cal, when we "argue" about who loves who more, I want you to know that you will never ever win. Because, my boy, I love you way more than you can even begin to understand.  It's more than I ever thought possible.  5 years ago you made me a mommy and my whole world changed...for the better.

You still hug me in public and willingly hold my hand.  I know that will come to an end soon...and I am praying it isn't anytime in the near future-- I am not ready.  I love your sweet hand in mine.  I love your arms wrapped around my neck.  I am not sure there is anything better...well, maybe when you give me a kiss by holding my face in between your hands.... that turns me into a ball of mush!

 So, CalBoy Williamson.... thank you for the past 5 years.  I can't wait to watch you grow and learn and achieve and have a blast.  You have rocked my world for the past 5 years...but totally in a good way.  In a great way.  I can't remember what life was like before you. And I don't want to. 

I love you all the way up to the Lord and all the way down to Florida.

Happy 5th birthday, Calvin!!!! I hope you know how much we all adore you!

Love, Momma


Now that I am crying.... phew!


1 comment:

EMT said...

What a beautiful letter!!! I hope Cal has a great day - and he is super lucky to have such a great momma!