Saturday, January 25, 2014

Let's FACE it

 For Martin Luther King weekend we went to the beach... that post is coming up, but one event from that weekend deserves its own post. 

As you can see from the above picture, Andy took quite a spill on his bike when we were there-- the first morning, actually.

He hopped on his bike to ride down our driveway, onto this other little street and got going too fast.  It happened right in front of me, and it was like it was in slow motion.  I still see it perfectly in my head when I close my eyes and think about it.

He was gaining speed and I said "brakes, Andy! Brakes!" He was kind of screaming a little and then turned his handle bars as hard has he could to wrong direction and went flying off of his bike.

His face hit first and then bounced and hit again.  I ran as fast as I could to him-- I thought teeth were knocked out, or bones were broken-- the way he landed on his arm looked like it could have broken.  

I ran inside carrying him screaming like crazy (he was screaming- not me..haha).  My mom was with me and Cal and Hank, so she, bless her sweet, amazing heart, carried Cal's AND Andy's bikes, and got Cal and the dog back to the house, while I ran inside.

After assessing there was no serious damage, we had a little snuggle time... my heart was breaking. 

Andy cried and whimpered for quite a while, which, honestly, isn't like him at all, so you know he was really hurting-- and I am sure it scared him a ton too-- it scared his momma!

After he was felling better, he LOVED the mark on his face! He would walk by mirrors and look at himself and laugh and laugh.  He would turn the camera around on the phone to see himself:

My dad and Eddie were off on a hunt and were coming down Saturday afternoon-- I was sending Eddie the pictures with updates on Andy.  Eddie replied to the above picture: "seriously. " hahahaha

I should mention here, he OF COURSE was wearing his helmet! Unfortunately, the helmet offers zero coverage for your face! My father in law called and suggested I require him to always wear a football helmet when riding toys.... not a bad idea! 

Thanks to a whole lot of aquaphor (we SWEAR by that stuff, by the way), his face was healing incredibly fast.  Soon, most of the road rash was gone, and all that remained was the scratch on his nose and forehead-- and the nose scratch really looked like some adorable freckles- ! hahaha

We came home from the beach on Monday then, that afternoon, the boys were playing football upstairs-- they typically run from our room down the hall into the playroom.  Cal was taking a break and sitting on the floor and Andy kept running.  Well, I heard a LOUD noise, then Andy really screaming-- not his mad scream, but his "I am hurt scream." Cal came running out of the playroom and said "Andy really hurt himself!" He said he ran into the window sill.  After further questioning, it was determined that Cal "helped" him hit the window sill (translation, Cal tripped him as he was running........).

He hit the ledge nose first.  He had a HUGE dent in the top of his nose-- huge.  I seriously thought it was broken.  I looked like a broken nose to me-- not that I am a pro-- but there was no blood, so I figured we were okay. 

The bruising started almost immediately and it swelled some, but both the swelling and the bruising have gone down- yay!

Also- can we get a huge thank you, Lord! that he didn't go through the glass window? Ohmahgah, that would have been so so so bad.  Cal is fully aware that what he did is awful.  Gotta love brothers, right?

 I went to the gym Tuesday morning and as we were getting out of the car, Andy turned his head to look at a passing car and my hand was there to get him out and I poked him right in the eye.  Bad, mommy.  This poor kid can NOT win!

His lack of sleeping and his messed up face earned him a spot in my bed (he woke up at 4 and refused to go back to sleep.  Eddie was out of town, and I was too tired to protest... plus, isn't this a sweet face to wake up to??)

 I know I just have to FACE it (see what I did there??) and know that with two boys, this will be the first of many many injuries....that doesn't make it any easier though!!!!!

This post brought to you by aquaphor.  ;)


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