Saturday, January 25, 2014

MLK weekend at the beach

With the long weekend for Martin Luther King, we decided to head to the beach.  The boys had school on Friday, but didn't on Monday.  The plans were going back and forth, and getting super complicated... Eddie and dad were invited to hunt at a camp about an hour from the beach.  Long story shortened- I ended up driving to the beach by myself with the boys and the pup.

I was debating taking the boys to school on Friday so I could workout then go home and pack and then pick them up and go from school, but the more I thought about it, I was ready to get going.  After a zumba class Thursday morning, we came home and the boys had a snack while I ran around taking a quick shower and getting all packed...

In no time, we were on the road, ready to go! Everyone did great in the car on the way down! Andy had to peepee several times.  I think his problem is when we go outside (which is 99% of the time with him). he doesn't fully "drain" it (so gross, I know... sorry), so he has to go again within the hour.  But, we were in no hurry and stopped when we needed to and made great time still. 

We got there around 5:00 and I was carrying everything in and up to the rooms while watching the boys and "opening" up the house.  The boys came running up to me saying that Hank pooped in the house.  Huh? I immediately thought that Andy did, but they insisted it was Hank.  Well, when I found Hank, he had rolled in something... poop? Dead animal? WHO KNOWS?!?! But it was awful.  It was so foul smelling.  I was SO mad at him.  Hank is a really good dog and I haven't gotten upset with him in a really long time.  I took him outside in the freezing cold and sprayed him with the hose, all the while yelling at him "BAD DOG...." I couldn't find the shampoo in the outside shower, so I squirted conditioner all over him and then sprayed him again with the hose.  By this point, my hands were numb and the boys were standing in the door way with their eyes huge at mommy yelling at her pooch.

I brought him inside to my mom's shower, which has a detachable head and gave him a shower with good smelling shampoo.  He felt terrible though-- you could tell... he was embarrassed....

After got everything carried in and the dog taken care of (grrrr...), the boys both climbed in my lap to snuggle-- it was pretty fabulous!

We played in the basement while waiting for my parents to get there.  Cal was pushing this baby around, calling her Baby Margaret... so sweet!

Then he rocked her, telling her she was a sweet baby....

Then I look over and see Nug with his leg stuck in the baby high chair.  atta boy...

 Then Andy picked up a stuffed animal and said it was his baby.  He said to me: "mommy, be quiet! my baby is seeeeeping!!!"

Tucking in the bambino... be quiet, mommy!

The boys were excited to see Grandma and Grandpa and did some snuggling while waiting on dinner.

 Friday morning, as karma for skipping school, Andy took a spill on his bike.  I wrote about that in this post, to make this one less lengthy.

The boys eating some lunch together....

 I love how much they love each other.  Cal was SO worried about Andy after his fall. 

We went to a teacher store/toy store-- holy cow.  It made me want to teach again! Everything you could ever want or need for your classroom was in this store! And they have some great educational games and toys.  The boys each got a toy for being so good (Cal got something football related and Andy got a soccer related toy...).  We came home and practiced with our new letters.  Cal had so much fun spelling words.  

Hank and I made up after the first night and he was still feeling really bad about the incident, so he was snuggling on me to keep me warm.....

Cal and I played some killer games of Candy Land! I like this game... it doesn't take forever and it's still cute... even after this many years! It was COLD COLD COLD down there, so we didn't spend too much time outside while we were there... lots of inside fun!

 Andy took refuge under my dad's legs... I think he felt safe down there... or something...

Eddie and dad got back from their hunt Saturday afternoon and the boys were excited to see them! Cal did some back surfing before bed...

When we were outside, we had to bundle up big time.  Andy always loves a golf cart ride with grandma.... I would rate this in his top 3 favorite things of all time....

One of Cal's favorite things of all time would be playing with Hankers! I absolutely love every single thing about this picture. 

Mom and I took the boys to the aquarium one morning to burn some energy.  It was very empty so the boys had a blast running from exhibit to exhibit!

They have a tank there that is floor to ceiling glass and filled with fish and sharks, etc... it is really quite amazing.  Andy could have stayed in front of this for hours.  He was entranced by it all.

There was some of the workers in the tank doing some maintenance and they would come over and wave to the boys.  Andy was frozen in place watching them in there.  

The gift shop had a little gift set that had sharks and a scuba diver and other under water animals, so grandma, being the fun one that she is, filled the sink with water and let the boys play.  They had a blast getting wet with their new toys!

Football was on Sunday night so we watched that-- always a high light for Cal!

We had quick baths and then they got to watch a little more of the game before going to bed.

Andy and Grandpa snuggled on the couch some before it was time to head upstairs.  Love this picture!

We had a great time at the beach, even though it was cold!!! We just love being down there-- makes us all so happy! We came home Monday afternoon and then Eddie left Tuesday morning EARLY for the week.  It was a long week, my friends, with a 2 year old waking up 2-3 times a night.....yawn!!! But we all survived!


1 comment:

EMT said...

The pic of Hank after his bath is too cute - that "look" always make my heart melt:) Hope Andy's face is healing nicely too!! Now...let's hear it for some snow this week?!?!?!