Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Oh, my sweet little Andy. Nugget. Sweet Potato.

I felt like I owed a post to All Things Andy. Cal will get a post next week.

Last week, as we were walking into school, Andy reached up and took my hand.  And, my heart just ached a little bit.  I love LOVE love holding my boys' hands.  They are getting big though, and don't always want to hold my hand.  They always hold in parking lots, but often, once we are inside the school, hands drop and they run off towards their classroom, shouting hellos to friends.  On this day though, we walked through the main doors of Andy's school and he reached up to take my hand-- and gave it a little squeeze.  Ohmigah, I love this kid... 

Andy is just Mr. Personality and keeps us laughing (and shaking our heads) often.  He seriously cracks us up-- even when he is in mid-fit, we are all laughing (while covering our faces so he won't see). 

He runs by his own rules-- and only wants to do something when it is HIS idea. Reverse psychology works wonders with him.  And when he upsets me, he is heartbroken and apologizes immediately. As wild as he is, he is a pleaser and doesn't like when we are mad at him.  We can butt heads like crazy-- he is a stubborn somebody! And he met his match in me! ha!

How could you be mad at these faces though???

Andy has a deep. hearty laugh that is 100% infectious.   He gets started laughing at something and it is darn near impossible to not join in-- or at least smile!


He is very curious of others and constantly asks, "what _____ do-nin?" And I love the way he says that-- hope he never stops! (I mean, I know he will... I guess I should say I hope I never forget how he says that).  

 Andy is brave and wild and energetic and full-steam-ahead and all boy and happy and funny and sweet-as-can-be/mean-as-can-be all at once and silly and LOVING.  The little guy is so loving.  

And me- well, I just about melt when I feel his sweet little hand take mine. 

Andy loves to snuggle and get "cozy woozie" with me-- or have me get him cozy under a blanket with pillow and lala.  He LOVES to crawl up in my lap for a book or a snuggle.  He asks me to rub his back 100 times a day (and many times in the middle of the night....). 

This sweet little Nugget is going to cause me to go gray early--very early-- but oh my word, he might make my heart explode first.  I love him so much and am so blessed to be his mom.  The picture below is a favorite of mine (and I HATE how I look in it, but that's a whole different thing...).  I love it because this is a common stance for us- head on shoulder, little arm wrapped around mine.... he is getting so SO big... this won't be easy to do for much longer, I guess.  I remember holding him like this for all of those sleepless nights when he was such a hard baby.  I hold him like this when he hurts himself and when he wakes up from a good nap.  He fits right in that spot like a little puzzle piece. 

 Andy hasn't been sleeping well lately.  At all.  I don't want to cloud this post with negative stuff though.... but when he was up one of the (80) times last night, he was sitting on the potty and I was staring at his legs-- they have grown SO much in the last few weeks.  He seriously is not a baby any more.  Or even a toddler! He is a full blown little boy now.  And I love him more and more by the minute!!! (and even MORE if he would give me a full night's sleep!!!! ha!)

I love you, Steven Andrew Nugget Williamson!


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