Tuesday, January 14, 2014

9 days.

My name is Carrie.  It has been 9 days since my last drink.....OF DIET COKE!!!!

For those of you who know me and know of my ADDICTION to the DC, you know this is a big deal.  A huge deal. 

I was drinking about 3 a day-- which I know isn't good for me.  I don't drink coffee, so I would wake up and guzzle a diet coke.  I would have a second one with my lunch, and then a third around the 4:00 hour when the midday sleepies set in. 

At the start of the new year, I did Dr. Oz's 3 day cleanse with my mom.  It wasn't easy-- in fact, I ha to modify it some.  But there was no DC allowed on the cleanse, so we agreed to give it up (she is also a fellow addict).  Neither one of us has had a diet coke since doing the cleanse--

But, ohhhhh....I still want one.  Bad. 

Y'all think I am crazy, don't you?


1 comment:

Steph said...

Congratulations!! :) You must fill me in on your cleanse...I feel as though something has to give and I should do one!! You looked gorgeous at the Snow Ball and those boys are too cute! I swear when I read some stories about Andy I feel like you're writing about Landon...they are sooo two peas in a pod!