Thursday, December 5, 2013

i am a lame blogger

so much going on. so much to post about. SO LITTLE TIME TO DO IT ALL!

We were in Texas from the Tuesday before Thanksgiving until Monday at midnight.  I have been ALL out of sorts trying to get my unpacked and put away, Christmas decorations out of the attic, Christmas cards addressed and mail, etc etc etc....AND, I am room mom for both boys' classes so of course there are emails to send for holiday stuff coming up and parties to coordinate, etc etc etc...OH, and to top it off, yesterday, I was trying to get Andy down for a nap and Hank came in his room and puked-- and then continued puking for the rest of the day.  I had a bad feeling about it since it was so similar to the last time we had issues with Hank, so I took both kids and Hankers to the vet last night so they could draw blood, etc.... turns out it was the exact same thing as last time.  They wanted to biopsy the liver today so we are awaiting those results.

Busy busy busy... I will do a FULL post soon with a recap of our Texas trip and more....

sorry i am lame!


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