Sunday, December 8, 2013

Big Boy Bed

I have some serious catching up to do!

After our last trip to the beach where Andy slept in a big boy bed, we decided it was time to make the switch at home too.  He loves it! We explained that he is not to get out of his bed-- only mommy and daddy can get him out of bed-- and he has done pretty well with that!

The first few nights were funny (I can say that now).  We would put him down and then an hour later we would hear little footsteps in his room.  One night he came out of his room telling me he needed to peepee.  I took him to the bathroom and pulled his pants down to see his diaper was off.  I asked him where it was and he said "I took off my diaper and put it in trash can." Sure enough, there it was in the diaper pail! ha! But now, he is very good about staying IN his bed.

Every single night when he goes to bed, he says he has to go peepee one more time, which can be frustrating, but that's okay.  He was sleeping through the night great in his bed, but lately has been waking up at night-- NOT cool.  The other night he woke up every 20 minutes.  Uhhhh..... ain't no one got time for that!

He loves his room, and that makes me happy....

shopping for mattresses:


Panoramic view of room (needing big letters over his bed, I think):

First time seeing it:

Super excited about it!

Also- I cried when we took the crib down... that thing has been in my house for about 5 years.... I can't believe I don't have a baby in a crib any more!!!! wahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!


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