Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Chris's graduation

My big brother graduated from Kenan Flagler Business School this weekend. He has been working his rear off with his regular job, his family and three kids and business school-- he's pretty awesome and I am super proud of him. 

His graduation was at 11 on Saturday morning.  Cal had a soccer game starting at noon, so Eddie took Cal to the game, and I took Andy with me.  It was at the Dean Dome, which is just such a cool building. 

Andy and I sat in the last row so we could scoot out to the concourse if need be (and, let me just say: it need be.)

Lala came with us to the service... just me, Andy and lala!

Entertaining this one in the back row:

My friend Andrea's husband graduated too! I snapped a quick picture of him walking across the stage.  Go Matt!

Then I spotted my brother! WOOOOHOOOOOOOOO!

After Chris waked the stage, Andy was a little antsy...

This was too funny to me.  Andy was repeating every single name as it was read out loud.  He was adamant about doing this and it just cracked me up. 

After all the names were called, we went to the potty.  Andy got MAD when the automatic sink shut off and I wouldn't keep holding him up to restart it.  The terrible twos meltdown that followed was nothing short of UGLY.  So we made a quick exit (with him over my shoulder hitting, screaming and kicking) and left before the reception that followed the ceremony.  I was sad to not get pictures with the grad, but I didn't want to push Andy any further. 

We headed to the parking lot and then caught the end of Cal's game. 

Congratulations, Chris! (He doesn't read this blog... he will never know I gave him a shout out-- oh well!

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