Thursday, October 3, 2013

SUPER times

First and foremost...

he loves toilet paper!

This kid... has been accident free since Saturday morning (6 days!)! (and that accident was with a, totally understandable!).  I am kind of in shock and ready for a bomb to go off and urine to be everywhere.  Surely he can't be trained already.  I was DREADING training him.   Andy is strong-willed, and wild and stubborn... did we *really* just train him to go on the potty?

He is not going number 2 on the potty, so we aren't fully trained, I know... he will wait until nap time for a diaper, which I am fine with. 

I stopped asking him every 5 minutes if he had to pee... he started telling me.   I will still ask him if we are headed out somewhere, but for the most part, he is telling me when he needs to go. 

He went to school on Wednesday and I sent him with 4 changes of clothes again.   When I picked him up and he was in THE SAME CLOTHES I about freaked out.  His teachers said they were asking him pretty often if he needed to go since he wasn't quite to the level of telling them yet. But he stayed accident free!

At pickup on Wednesday, he told me he needed to go potty, so we walked in the classroom to go.  He said "I go potty and den we wash hands!" He knew the whole routine and as soon as he peed, he hopped down, squirted some soap on his little hands and started singing their hand washing song! I love it! Then he said "see mommy? d'you see?"

Enough about the potty... more about the super heroes! Cal was given a set of three super hero costumes for his birthday-- it included batman, super man and robin.  It is a one piece thing that goes over their heads and it has the shirt and then a cape in the back.  There are masks and leg guard things as well.  They were a huge hit! (you can find them on amazon )  Anyway, the boys have been dressing up in these costumes a ton.  It is hilarious! They were doing magnetic mazes together as super heroes in above picture and sharing stickers on the stairs in the other pic.  I love having boys!

I was backing out of my driveway Tuesday morning and noticed my backseat driver:

Cal has always been pretty obsessed with football-- he loves watching it and tackling people (sigh).  He has been requesting ESPN over disney channel now.  We found these shirts when Eddie's mom and sister were in town and had to get them-- too funny: 

After getting haircuts, Lala, piddow and blankie were in need of a bath.  Andy agreed to help me wash them.  He wanted to load them though:

And Tuesday night, after soccer, Andy did not want dinner.  He said he had a tummy ache (he needed to poop!).  All he wanted was an apple.  He took that thing in the tub with him and chowed down on it! How funny is he? 

Again, being a super hero in the car.... super proud of being accident free....

Andy today, a little boy from Cal's class came over for a playdate.  They got into the costumes almost immediately...

...and kept them on for most of the play date!

I love my little super heroes and I am having so much fun with them.  I feel like a lucky momma! I am, after all, SUPER protected around here...


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