Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Final Soccer Game

This Saturday, we had Cal's last game as a Heffalump! I can not say enough how thrilled we were to have Cal be a part of this team.  The coaches were just wonderful and so caring  and energetic.  We were truly blessed to be on this team.

Both coaches are moms to kids on the team, and the kids are "aging out" of this soccer league.  It makes me sad for Cal not to have them as coaches any more, but I know he will love whatever coaches he gets in the future.

He had a blast playing in his final game.  He is (finally) really starting to get the idea of it, and he hustles like no one's business.  He is still the littlest one on the team (he is the youngest too!), but he was in the middle of it all and would fight for the ball until he got it-- it was fun to watch him play and grow as a player.  Last year he didn't do much but run and pump his arms as fast as he could.  Now he is actually doing something.  And it was fun to watch him perform the skills the learned in practice.  I thought maybe everything the coaches were saying was going in one ear and out the other, but he actually listened...!

Here is Cal showing me how many goals he scored this game:

And at the end of the game, we got some Heffalump team pictures...

And, of course, we had to do a silly face one...

After some team pictures, just like last year, the kids all sat down and one by one, the coaches called the kids up and talked to them about what an asset they were to the team, what a joy they were to coach and how thankful they were to have them be on the team.

Last year, Cal went first and I had no idea what to expect.  I was totally taken aback at how kind and heartfelt each speech was.  This year, I was prepared, and I was still pretty shocked at the words they said about Cal.  I recorded it, but of course blogger won't let me upload the video.

In summary, they said that Cal might have been the littlest kid on the team, but he had the biggest heart and was always ready and excited to play (he seriously was the first kid back from water breaks and was always ready to run some more!), and how he was SO tough because every time he fell down, he would jump back up and get right back into the game.  They also said they other teams underestimated him because of his size, but Cal showed them by always stealing their ball....

Honestly-- my heart was so proud at that hear another adult say all these great things about how much they have enjoyed coaching your was awesome.

Each kid got a trophy and a medal and Cal was thrilled!

Cal and River are in the same class at school...

And this is Rylie-- he came over and said, "here, pose with me like this." And struck the most fabulous disco pose I have ever seen in my life.  Cal literally had no idea where to go with that or where to he slowly raised up his trophy and stared.  Rylie never moved from this position.... it was hysterical.   Look at Cal's face! hahaha

My boy with his trophy...

The very second we walked in the door after the game, Cal went and got his trophy from last year... he played with them for a while and took them both to bed with him that night!

 After a full Saturday, we went over to Ava and Abigail's house for dinner.  I am not sure if I mentioned it already, but Andy has grown QUITE fond of Ava's little sister, Abigail.  It's borderline obsessed.  He says her name constantly.  Jill put Abigail down for bed and brought out the monitor to check on her.  Andy carried it around staring at her and saying" ab-i-gail" over and over and over again... so sweet...


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