Monday, October 22, 2012


Mister CalBoy is just too much lately; I thought he deserved a post all his own...

Cal is still just about the sweetest thing ever-- except when the three tantrums kick in... but even then, he's pretty cute.

He LOVES school.  Loves his teachers, his friends, the activities (especially the playground!) and most of all, his favorite person in class, Ava.  Ava is the sweetest little girl you have ever seen.  She wears AH-dorable little dresses to school, has blonde hair, blue eyes and HUGE dimples.  The first week of school, Cal's teacher told me she thought Cal was going to be a ladies man because he had Ava cracking up at lunch bunch. 

One day I picked Cal up from school and he and Ava were playing pretend "swords." Don't let her sweet little pink dress deceive you-- that little girl is TOUGH and can keep up with Cal-- no wonder he loves playing with her!

Last week, when I picked him up, the teacher on duty was having a "talking to" with Cal, Ava and another little boy.  Apparently, all three were playing too rough together (I should soooo not think this is funny...).  When we got in the car, I asked Cal if he was playing roughly.  He said, "yeahhhh, but that's how Ava likes to play.  She likes to play rough."  I ran into Ava's mom the next day and apparently, Ava was playing roughly at her baby sister's playdate the previous day and tackled two babies

Ava is fond of Cal too-- she draws pictures for him at home every day and brings them to school on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  She will also draw pictures at school for him, so his backpack is loaded down with Ava drawings everyday! While I do not condone Cal playing roughly, I do think it's pretty great that this little sweet girl can keep up with him.

Speaking of playing roughly.... Cal really likes soccer...BUT, I am concerned because I am not sure he fully gets the sport-- I know I've written that before, but it became very obvious this past weekend that he gets football and soccer a bit mixed up.  Eddie didn't go to the game last weekend, but he did go this weekend and he was stunned to see how Cal played.  He runs down the field with his elbows flying-- trying to hit anyone with them, and he will plow into anyone-- if they have the ball, if they are on his team-- doesn't matter.  He will run into them full steam ahead.  Oh, have I mentioned he is the smallest one out there?  Yeah.  By like a full head.  Eddie was literally stunned.  I told him about Cal getting in trouble at school for playing roughly, but Eddie thought that was just kind of him being wild on the playground-- his eyes were opened after watching him on the field. 

When we talk to him about soccer, he says "you gotta run real fast and crash into each other!" So, no...he doesn't quite grasp the concept...haha.  We are talking to him constantly about not playing's hard when he is alllll boy!

When Cal isn't playing as hard has he possibly can, he is saying some really funny things.  The other day he was sitting on the potty before bed and I asked him if he pooped yet.  He said "no, mommy, but I am trying, but I think my bottom is just empty and there's nothing in there to come out." So matter of fact!

He also says things like, "man, it suuuuuure is dark outside." Or "man, it suuuuure is a nice day today, huh?" It's like driving with an 80 year old man. 

Cal was our rockstar sleeper for so long... and then, in the past few weeks, he has been waking up once a night.  He doesn't get up, he just calls out for me.  I go in and get whatever he needs-- sometimes it's his water, sometimes his pillow has fallen off the bed, etc...he always goes right back to sleep, but I can NOT! It has been every night for the past few weeks and it's killing me! How did I ever do this with a new born for 10 months?? Cal wakes up usually between 2-5 and he is only up for about 5 minutes then he's back out again.  I usually lay in bed for the next hour staring at the ceiling and tossing and turning.   Drives me CRAZY!  I know it is just a phase and it will pass... but it's a weird phase, right??

And, last thing about Cal for this post... we've been working on his letters a TON lately.  He has an alphabet dinosaur book that we read each night and he's starting to really look for letters wherever we go.  I tried to video him saying his letters in that book, but it was wayyy too long.  Here is his other favorite book (don't judge me).  My aunt gave this book to Eddie forever ago... it is a coffee table collector's book and Cal has read the thing so many times that the spine isn't holding up any more.  Any way... he is pretty proud to be able to do this...

As frustrating as a three year old can be (and let me tell you, I just took a break from writing this to have a little chat with my buddy....), I can not even begin to describe how much I love this kid.  He can be so naughty one minute and then he comes over, puts his arms around my neck and asks for a hug and a kiss.  I literally feel my heart swell.  He makes me so happy every day and I really really miss him when he's at school.  I can't wait to pick him up.  I know I am ridiculous, but he really is like my little buddy...


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