Sunday, July 31, 2011

Sleep Update: 10 weeks

Mr. Andy will be 11 weeks old on Wednesday (cah-razy!), and I want to take a minute to do a sleep update, so I can go back later on in life and remember this stuff.

party at my crib! 12, 3, 5, 6...really allll night! come on over!

In weeks 9 and 10, I felt like Andy was making a lot of progress sleeping.  He was taking 2 great naps in his crib, at least 2 hours each, and a few cat naps in between.  I have been trying really hard to follow the eat, wake, sleep cycle, and felt like that was working well. 

Then, last weekend, we went out to dinner with some friends Saturday night.  We had a sitter and left milk for Andy. Well, long story short, Andy wouldn't take the bottle, screamed like crazy, and our sitter texted me before I even ordered dinner.  There was no calming him.  He screamed for 2 hours straight.  I came home before ordering dinner and found a distraught baby and sitter. 

That night, I guess he was so exhausted from all the crying, he slept a 6 hour stretch.  I was PUMPED!  He only got up one time that night and I was SO SO excited!  I thought we were turning a corner.  The next day, he was still worn out because he took two AWESOME naps in his crib-- it was just great all around!

you mean I am supposed to SLEEP at night?

You know how the bible says "Thou Shall Not Boast"?  Well, I was telling everyone what a great sleeper he was and that he slept for 6 hours and he only got up once and wasn't that so great..... well, he SHOWED me! That next night, Andy got up 5 times.  Yes.  5 times.  And each time, he was a challenge to get back down again.  Not just a feed and back in crib.  This was a feed, rock, burp, change, rock, pace, bounce, feed....ack! The next day, he went down for his morning nap (in the crib), and slept for all of 15 minutes.  hm.  I rocked him again and put him down again, and he was awake 15 minutes later.  I knew he was exhausted because every time I rocked him, he fell asleep instantly. 

We ran some errands, and he dozed a bit in the car, and then it was time for afternoon naps.  Again, he fell asleep while I rocked him, but then was awake again after 15 minutes!  This went the ENTIRE nap time!  I was soooo worn out from the night before and I spent the entire time Cal was down, trying to get (and keep) Andy down.  It wore me out. 

That has pretty much been the trend this week-- a lot of broken naps... I'm trying different things to get him to nap longer.  I just can't figure out what has changed...

Our pediatrician says it's time to let him cry it out.  I am ready for this HOWEVER, Andy sleeps on his stomach and I am not comfortable with him crying it out until he is capable of flipping back and forth.  Is that bad?  I just don't want him on his face screaming... if he could roll to his back and then back to his stomach, I'd feel better.

He is napping right now, and I put him on his side.  I think part of the problem too, is he is liking his paci and likes to fall asleep with it in, but when he's on his stomach, he can't turn his head without the paci getting caught and waking him up.  He isn't able to put the paci in by himself yet either...that will help too. 

So, there's the sleep update.  Hopefully, we can keep getting those long stretches at night...

Cal starts camp again next week for the month of August and then school starts in September...!!!!  It starts at 9:00, so I am going to have to figure out Andy's napping around drop off and pick up.  I might make him nap in the car for the morning nap!  I don't know what else to do-- unless Eddie does drop off every day....

Side note: I am going to be doing some mega tummy time this week so that we can start crying it out sooner! 

huh??  Tummy Time??  Noooo, thank you!

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