Sunday, July 31, 2011

Just Another Day in Paradise!

(in pictures)

trying to hold as many golf balls as possible

my son, the hoarder: 3 golf clubs, 2 golf balls, a car and a boat...all for a bath.

reading a golf book...

hey mom, this chair feels a little small

his new truck, stuck in Hank's tail

trying to remove the stuck truck from hank's tail.  Notice the boots. It wasn't raining.
And a video to sum it all up:

And lastly, quick story of errand running this week:

I had to run to Marshalls and had both boys with me.  It was 104 out... I unloaded my double bob, loaded the boys in the stroller and headed in the store (sweat broken).  A random man stopped me and told me he felt sorry for me dealing with a double stroller and 2 kids in this heat.  I wanted to tell him that I was trying to get inside out of the heat, but he was in my way... instead I smiled and told him it was lots of fun... I managed to squeeze the stroller through the "in" doors and started walking through the store looking for the needed items.  Cal kicked off one of his crocs (shoes) right when we rounded the first corner of the store.  I didn't want to fight with him to put it on, so I left it on the front of the bob where the feet go and I would just put it  on him as we were leaving.  I went up and down a few aisles and found just what I needed and headed to the check out.  I bent down to out the shoe back on and it wasn't on the stroller.  Hmmm... so, I walked back to the baby section, where we were doing most of our shopping, and it wasn't there either.  So, not one to get frustrated, I decided to walk the lap of the store again, this time staring at the ground.  Cal wears these shoes every day.  He can take them off and put them on by himself, which is huge in our chaotic house. 

I walked another lap around the store (almost felt like I was working out, pushing my jogging stroller laps around a store...but not quite).  No croc.  UGH.  I figured it must have fallen to the ground and then gotten pushed under some of the racks.  So, I got down on the ground of Marshalls, on my hands and knees and looked under racks.  All of them.  I spent about 20 minutes on my belly looking for the stupid shoe.  There was a woman working in the department where I was so I asked her if she'd seen a shoe.  She started laughing.  Seriously, lady?  Oh, by this point Cal was screaming MOMMMMAAAAA!!!!  Over and over and over again...just because he can (see above video). 

I went to the check out to pay and see if maybe someone kind had turned in this stupid shoe.  It couldn't just walk out of the place, right??  I paid.  No one turned in a shoe.  So, I made one final lap around the store, going up and down each aisle, looking under each and every shoe!  So we just left, Cal wearing only one shoe!

I wish I could say something clever about it magically appearing, but NOPE!  Still no shoe!  I called the store today to see if someone had found it, but no one did... or if they did, they didn't turn it in.  Maybe somewhere in Durham, there is a child with one leg who has a new (to them) croc... if that's the case, I hope they enjoy it. Oh, and the stroller fit in the "in" door, but wouldn't fit out the "out" door.  And the IN door had a sensor on the other side, so I couldn't get it to open for me.  I had to ask a girl to go out and then come back in so the doors would open for me....

Just another example of me living Just Another Day in Paradise!!! 

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