Sunday, July 31, 2011


I have really been wanting to go to church lately, and I hate to make excuses, but it's been really hard with Andy's tummy issues-- we didn't want to take him and have him scream throughout the service, or have me not be able to calm him down.. and his scream was such that even in the nursery, the entire congregation would have heard it. Literally.

But I made up my mind that we were going today. Eddie was going to play golf, but it was canceled so he came too! It was wonderful! Andy slept in my arms the entire time (ahhhh), and Cal had a great time in the nursery... after he got over the drop off. He does NOT like to be dropped off! My goodness! He cried when I left him (Eddie can't handle the crying, it breaks his heart, so he waited down the hall with Andy while I did the dirty work)...

After we got home, I made the boys take some pictures-- it's rare that we are all dressed nicely (at the same time!).

Cal says "cheeeeeeese" every time the camera comes out now, and we end up with...well, cheesy pictures:

 wish the lighting was better :(
 trying to grab Cal while holding Andy:
 works for me:

After Eddie left to play golf (which was truncated by a storm), I took a few more pictures of Cal and Andy just for fun...

 and while I took above pic of andy, cal went and found some cars and....a plunger!
 the motley crew

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