Thursday, May 5, 2011

37 weeks! (and a day or two)

It feels like I am far enough along with my pregnancy that if I don't update often, people might wonder if I have gone into labor....maybe not and I am living in lala land. Either way, for those of you wondering....I am still pregnant!

I am feeling fine still, but today I've been feeling a  Not sure if it's because my mom left today to go to the beach for the weekend with her best buds for a MUCH needed/deserved girls' trip or if it's because Eddie was in Charlotte for the day.  I think my mind was just playing tricks on me. 

Anyway, Eddie is on his way home now, and my mom will be home on Sunday.  I don't think I have anything to worry about between now and then!  I jokingly told my mom that I would shoot her a pic from the delivery room once the baby was born and she did NOT think that was funny!  She wants to be alerted ASAP so she can hop in the car and fly home-- she's a good momma!  And, truth be told, I would rather sit with my legs crossed then have her NOT there...and I REALLY don't want her to miss her girls' weekend, so this baby will just have to wait!

No pictures to post today.  I did find my good video camera so I can take video of the entire house and upload it-- that will be easier than the iPhone camera (from which ALL of my pictures are coming lately). 

Cal Boy just woke up after a wonderful, much needed nap so I am going to run.  Just wanted to let you know that baby Andy is still COOKING away!



Alyssa said...

Thinking of you as you near the beginning of something beautiful!

Danita said...

Glad you're feeling ok! You've been one BUSY momma! The house looks great! Are you going to get a much needed/deserved break before lil' Andy arrives?