Saturday, May 7, 2011


Cal is obsessed with golf. Much like his father, he is constantly swinging a golf club (which, in Cal's case, is anything long and stick like).  When Eddie called me last week and asked if I thought Cal would like to go to the club to "play" a few holes with him, I jumped all over it!  Some time ALONE for momma, and a little guy that would return home exhausted??  Sign me up!

They had to rush to get out there after work, but I ran out and snapped a quick picture of my boys before they left:

They were so cute together-- both had their hats perched on their heads and were so excited to get out and go!

Eddie sent me this video while they were out there-- I think it is SO stinkin' cute.  Cal's got a pretty decent swing, don't you think?  For a kid who isn't even two yet... he's got potential! haha

We aren't ready to sign him up for the PGA tour just yet- haha- but I do love that Eddie is able to take him out there to play and have a great time.  It's wonderful when your husband's love for something can be shared with your children (for multiple reasons!).

1 comment:

Brooke said...

Maybe he and Emerson can be on tour together. She loves golf!!!