Friday, April 30, 2010


Thank Heavens for Little Boys!Let me just tell you, Cal Williamson is ALLLLL BOY! He is super curious, super squirmy, and I am starting to see some mischief develop too! Here are some "All Boy" stories from the week:

On this past Monday night, Eddie and I had a "date night" (read: we had to run to the mall and didn't want to haul Cal with us!), so my mom kept Cal for us. When we picked him up, my mom was super upset. Cal was playing on the floor and cut his nose either with one of his nails or with a toy... either way, he had a huge gash on his nose. We didn't care-- boys with be boys! But my mom felt terrible! He looks adorable with a big ol' scratch on his face and it doesn't seem to phase him at all. He didn't even cry when he did it!

Yesterday afternoon, I put Cal down for his afternoon nap. He sat up there talking for a while and then he was crying. I went into check on him, and it was really hot in his room with the afternoon sun shining in. I took off his shorts and shirt and put him in a light t-shirt and clean diaper to go back down. I went into my room and could hear him chuckling in his room. I looked on my video monitor and could see nothing but polkadots (the polkadots that are in his laundry hamper!). So, I went in to check on him, and the little munchkin had TAKEN OFF HIS DIAPER and thrown it at the video monitor and knocked it into the hamper. He then peed all over his crib... everything was soaked! He was so proud of himself when I walked in to get him and was tickled that he was naked-- he couldn't stop laughing!

(this is him right before the nap-- squirming like crazy!)

He now has TWO teeth coming in so he is a drooling mess all the time and it just cracks him up! He thinks the slobber coming out of his mouth is just the funniest thing ever and he laughs so hard as it drips down-- gross, huh?

In the top picture, I had to get creative when feeding Cal. He will take a mouth full of food and then start saying BYE BYE over and over again, spitting the food all over the place. Of course, I say no no, but Hank comes running to clean it up and Cal thinks this is the best game ever! He usually wipes the food over his cheeks and then turns his head to find the dog and wipes his face clean on the sleeve of his shirt. I tried to fix that by putting a dish towel on him under his bib. It worked! He stayed clean!

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