Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Crest White Strips

Okay, this is just too weird not to comment on....

After Eddie and I got married, a stock photography company approached our photographer (and us) about purchasing the rights to some of our wedding pictures. We signed releases and were done with it. We honestly did not think anyone would actually buy our pictures, and we were sure we would never see them pop up. Uhhh.... we were wrong.

A year after we were married, I got a call that someone saw my face in Town and Country magazine in an advertisement for Amatokin Skin Cream. I have never heard of it. My mom and I went out and bought the magazine, and sure enough, there was a FULL page picture of my face--yikes! The as then showed up in O, Vogue, and a few other magazines. I thought it was hilarious, and that we wouldn't see any more pictures pop up.

About a year after that, we had a friend from Atlanta call and say she was just at Phipps Plaza and in the Bloomingdales there was a display for Amatokin and my face was the back drop--!!!!! WHAT?

Two month ago, my mom's friend in Indiana called to tell her that on the back page of the hometown newspaper there was a full page picture of me in my wedding dress advertising a bridal fair they were having the following weekend-- ha!

And now, I got an email on Monday night from a friend that said she saw me on in a Crest White Strips ad. I didn't really believe her, but in the back of my mind I wondered if there was a chance it was one of my bridal pics. She took a screen shot and sent me the pic... yup, it's me! The next day, my sister-in-law called me and said she saw the ad on! haha

Here is the ad:

caaaaaa-raaaaaazzzzzyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!! Who would have thought?? Makes me wonder where else these pictures are that we don't know about..... hopefully not on an ad for a leaky bladder or anything like that-ha!

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