Sunday, March 7, 2010

Rice Cereal

eating like a big kid:
what is this stuff???
uhhhh, not so sure about this, Grandma...
yummmmmmmmy! (when do I get to try the good stuff?)

We were going to wait to try rice cereal until after our trip because it would be one less thing to take with us, and we didn't want my milk supply to start dropping.

Cal had a reallllly bad night where he was up 4 different times, and my mom said he was probably not getting enough milk, and needed something else to satisfy him over. I believe everything my mom tells me, so I started rice cereal the next day.

For Cal's first feeding, I did it right after swim class this past Tuesday night. He was hungry from all of the energy used in class and chowed it down! It was too funny to watch him! He would grab my hand and shove it into his mouth with the spoon if I wasn't going fast enough. He had a little bit of a better night Tuesday night, but he was still up several times.

We tried again with the cereal on Wednesday. I couldn't get the consistency quite right and it was too runny, I think. He wanted nothing to do with it! He was spitting it out and shuddering as I was trying to get it in his mouth! Too funny....

Thursday and Friday, he had 2 servings of it and loved it both times, again, grabbing my hand to hurry it up. We are all getting the hang of it now. You know, I think this whole baby learning to eat thing is a difficult thing to figure out. When to introduce foods, how long to try things, etc, etc....

But Cal is loving his cereal and we will be taking it to Costa Rica with us! Guess that means I will have to feed him on the airplane....? sheesh.... hadn't thought of that obstacle yet! Right now, Cal wakes up and nurses, plays and goes down for his morning nap. Wakes up, nurses, plays for a while, and then after about an hour, has some rice cereal and then he gets changed out of his jammies and plays for a little bit then goes back down for another nap (the full tummy does him in!). He has his second serving of rice cereal while we eat dinner, then he has a bath, plays for a while, then nurses and goes to bed! He is still waking up in the night, but hopefully that will stop soon! (someone tell me that will stop soon.....)

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