Thursday, December 14, 2017

Spelling Bee

Ahhhh, it's that time of year again. Not Christmas/Hanukkah. But that too. It is also spelling bee time.

A couple weeks ago, individual classes held spelling bees within their classes to select the top three spellers to send to the grade level bee. By the skin of his teeth, Cal made it from his class.

On Thursday morning, the 2nd grade held their bee. We studied hard, and I am glad we did because some of those words were no joke. Eddie leaned over during round two and said there was no way he could spell them- haha.

Round after round, Cal managed to prevail (not a spelling word, but perhaps should be). I am not sure who it was harder on, me or him. I was beyond nervous. There were 27 children, and probably  50 adults all in the room- he had to walk to the front of the room and spell these crazy words. And we worked so hard on them, and I just knew a crazy easy word would trip him up because he would fly thought it. But it didn't.

Here they are when they first walked in. He looks real nervous right? He got wayyyyyy more nervous as it went. His legs were shaking-hahaha

 At the start- all 27 children ready to spell!

Here he goes..... I was holding my breath. And also- that hair is so so great. It just looks really nice and well brushed. 

 At the end of each round, children cleared out- here are the last seven standing.
 After rounds and rounds and rounds, they were on to 7th grade words, they finally agreed to take all seven to the school wide bee. Sheesh.

 This kid was PUMPED. He's pretty sure he will make it to the National bee and be on ESPN. Nothing wrong with goals, right???
(however, he might been a new study buddy. We got the new list and I cannot pronounce the majority of the words on there... he might be on his own!)

So proud of this kiddo and his ability to stay calm under pressure. I walked out of there sweaty and shaking. I can't handle that stuff! ha!


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