Tuesday, September 5, 2017


Will I ever get back in the habit of writing blog posts? I wish there was an app that would make it so much easier.  I have so much to write about, so much to share. 

Summer is over.  School is back in session.  We have a first grader and a second grader.  I think both teachers are going to be great.  Andy pretty much hit the jackpot.  It is like God looked down on him and said "this is the exact person you need this year..." Think I am exaggerating? I am not. 

With summer ending and school beginning, sports are beginning too.  Cal is doing golf, swim, baseball and soccer (however, now that all the schedules have been released, we are realizing we can't do it all so I think we are dropping soccer). Andy is doing golf and baseball.  We are going....a lot.  But that's what we do, it's what we love.  The boys are on the same baseball team again, so that makes life easier. 

Andy's stomach is at a really really bad place.  We found some medicine a friend told us about whose son was going through everything we have gone through.  The first week, it was like the miracle drug and worked wonders.   But then it didn't.  And he was in pain.  And screaming.  A lot.  And oh my word the pain.  It just isn't normal.  I took him in to the doctor last week and he agreed that it is time to see a specialist.  So we are now waiting on a call from a pediatric GI doc to help us.  We can't do miralax any more.  We've tried everything.  It is affecting his extra curricular activities, his sleep (even more than usual), and I am worried it will impact him at school.  He is always worried about it and is in a lot of pain at school.  breaks.my.heart.

So I have lots to post about and lots of pictures to share.  I will so regret it if I let this blog slip away from me.  So I refuse! A massive summer recap will be up this week.  Maybe.  Hopefully!!!


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