Thursday, September 7, 2017

Back to School!

Before I begin this post: thank you so much for the sweetness that came after yesterday's post with Andy. Bottom line is we are all a bunch of mommas who can't stand to see our babies in pain.  The good news is I heard from the doctor and we got an appointment with a specialist next week.  All the praise hands and angels singing and dancing.  On to this post:

Our summer was really, really great.  I was excited for school to start back up, and really excited to meet the teachers and find out class assignments, etc.  I think the boys were equally as excited.  Their buddies all went back the week before, or even two weeks before, so they were to the point where they were ready to go too. 

This year, Cal is in SECOND grade and Andy is in FIRST! How can this be?? That sounds so old to me! Cal got a man-teacher (haha) who I have heard wonderful things about; he is strict, but the kids all love him....which I think is a great combo.  He is no-nonsense, which I think will be perfect for Cal! Andy's teacher is off the charts amazing.  She is young and energetic and calm and truly like a gift to our family.  I realize I sound over the top about her.  But with all Andy has going on right now with his tummy issues, he needs someone who will love him while he's at school.  She is aware of his issues and has been wonderful about helping us.  (let me just enter a big fat SIGH right here.  I am just so sad that these are issues that a teachers has to be made aware of. Seriously.)

 (this next picture isn't good of Cal. but it's great of Bruce- hahahaha)

Once Bruce realized he wasn't going with them, he was much more serious.  I think it hurt his feelings. 

Woohoo! Second Grade!
 Woohoo! First Grade! (someone might have been a tad anxious....)

We take flowers to school for the teachers on the first day-- it's just what we do.  It's not sucking up; it's appreciating these AMAZING people who will look after my little people all day long.  
 Seeing as Cal has a male teacher this year, I didn't think he would love the flowers, so we took him some star shaped cookies from Trader Joes for when he might need a snack after his busy day. 

 We walked the boys in, although Cal was content to say peace out at the car, and took a picture with Andy's teacher.  She's adorable, right? I think she liked the flowers :)

She sent me a picture of Andy getting measured outside-- can't even imagine how much he will grow this year...!

 And, the biggest change this year is the boys are BUS RIDERS! Holla! It comes way too early in the morning to ride it, so we still drop them off, but they ride it home and it is glorious.  Bruce and I walk down to the bus stop to pick them up in the afternoon-- this was the first day, and Bruce was FREAKING out looking for his boys! He was literally smiling as he waited for them. 

Thereeeeeee's CalBoy!
 And Nuggie!!!

 Andy declared the best part of the day riding the bus and putting his hands in the air.  Cal said his favorite part was filling in a number chart as a competition in the class. 

We are PUMPED for a great, great year!!!!


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