Monday, April 17, 2017


I have a LOT to post about... a lot! The Tar Heels won the national Championship, I had 4 girlfriends at the beach for a weekend of fun, I spent spring break with the boys and some of their buddies at the beach, and on and on and on.  And woah, do I have a lot of pictures to post.  But, I don't have the time to do it today either- ha! It is on my to do list and just as soon as I can sit down long enough, I will post.  Oh, and I have some GREAT books to share too! I am listening to one now that I can't put down. 

So, this is just a checking in, I am still alive post.  I can't wait to catch up in this little world.  Walking in the door yesterday after being gone 10 days overwhelmed me, big time! The laundry....! The mail that had to be sorted....the lists that had to be made...hahahaha

I am planning Cal's class party this week (why oh why do I do this to myself?) and I also will be participating in the Habitat Fashion Show on Friday night again.... I did it last year and it was a lot of fun, so when they asked me this year to do it after they had a cancellation, I agreed, but I wasn't really thinking of all that it added to my week.  Add that to a baseball game, soccer practices and all the other normal stuff....phew!

So now I am rambling when I should be getting busy.  Off to teach popup.... and switch laundry!

And have I mentioned we do not have a refrigerater in our house? We have a very old "drink" fridge in our garage-- so any time we need anything cold, we have to go outside to get it.  That's been a treat!


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