Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Snowmass: Part Three

Wrapping this trip up!

This is the final post- phew! I am sure you are sick of reading about this!

The last ski day for us was Thursday (we were flying home Friday-- or so we thought).  The boys were not in snowboarding school this day-- we spent the whole day together.  

 And we took this picture-- and I am so glad we did!
 But that was later in the day-- this was the first lift up in the morning.  Riding the chair lift with Andy is pretty much terrifying.  He's just small enough that he could slide right under the rail.  I was hanging on for dear life to him.
 Watching the boys learn this new sport, I realized how tough they really are.  They fell....a lot.... and hard.  And they kept on getting back up again and again and again.  I also realized how much better it is to learn this when you are young and you are low to the ground and can pop back up again--

Cal was really getting it and was good at going down the hill quickly, with minimum falls.  Andy, on the other hand, had it and wanted to do tricks....while going fast. I watched him go down the hill, squat down low and drag his hands and make a snow ball-- all while going down the hill....and then throw the snowball at Cal while Cal was down.  It was unreal.  He started jumping while going down hill too.  Eddie and I must have said "stay in control!!!" 900 times.  But the crazy thing was, he was always in control-- he could stop at any point.  
 My three boarders about to take off.  It was really cute to watch the three of them learn this new sport together. 

We took the mega chair lift up to the very top of the mountain-- and we went with the little boy who was in the group with Cal and Andy (Moose, if you've been following along), and his parents.  His mom skis a lot like me (ahem) and his dad was on a snowboard- so it was a really fun group to cruise down the mountain with.

After making a few runs, we had lunch outside and the boys played on these rocks-- they were super content to build little bridges and stacks-- it was really cute to watch them.   Great way to end our trip!

 Our final night, we had a dinner to go to.  There was a photobooth which the whole family enjoyed! The props were hysterical!

 We were dying laughing-

 I mean..... tell me this isn't hilarious.....

 We woke up Friday and had to have our bags ready to go by 11.  They pulled our bags and we were about to check out of the room when Eddie got a text that our flight had been canceled- ugh. 

 The Aspen airport is super small and in between two mountains- they will cancel a flight out of there at the drop of a hat.  Andy and I sat by the window watching the snow fall-- look closely at the picture...can you see Eddie on the phone trying to figure out how the hell we were going to get home?? They booked us out Saturday at 4.... which meant two things: 1. chances of getting out in the afternoon were slim to none, and 2. we would be in air for Carolina game.  No no and no. 
 We found a flight out of Denver the next morning and we scheduled a rental car to get us there.  Then when Eddie went to get the car, me and the boys went off exploring-

 Andy was a fan of surfing the gondola (below).  I am not sure what's happening above....

A big ol bear.... might as well take a picture.  

We ate at Venga Venga and got some yummy Mexican food.  Nug was thrilled with the guac.  
 The next morning we were up and out EARLY-- pulled out of the hotel just before 6am to make our way to Denver. 
 They were smiling above, but the trip wasn't all smiles.  We struggled to find a place for breakfast and Cal got a little car sick....
But we made it and made it ON TIME for our flight!

We had zero issues with flights getting home, thankfully.  No one slept, but everyone was super happy!
 It was a great trip! Not a really relaxing trip, because getting everyone up and dressed and out the door is not easy! But it was a lot of fun family bonding.  Love these boys so so much. 


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