Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Life Lately!

Here's a look a life lately! This picture was from a few weeks ago and I think I forgot to post it- these are the other 2 year old teachers at work- love love love them so much.  We have such a great time together and I will miss them over the summer!

At home, we are in full blown pack it up mode.  Andy entertains himself any way that he can.  I caught him skateboarding around-- terrifying.  

And, then I am standing at the top of the stairs and he is yelling for me to come see-- and here he is, all ready to play lacrosse.  This kid.  

The other night I couldn't find Bruce. I searched everywhere.  Can you find him??  Sneaky dog. 

He sleeps.  He is getting better at sleeping through the night-- meaning, once every two weeks he will do it.  It doesn't happen often, but when it does, we celebrate...hard.  

I've been trying to walk the dogs in the morning before we leave for the day and it gets too darn hot.  They love it and I usually use the time to listen to my book-- it's a win/win for us all! We only go about a mile and a half, but it is a great way to start the day.  Cal wanted to join me the other morning and I loved having him next to me as we cruised along.

We hit the grocery store on Monday.  Sigh.  I am just going to be super unproductive these days.  He wanted to pick out some new smart rinse.  He took his job very seriously.  
 And then he kite surfed down the aisles. 
 Tuesday we had Andy's 5 year old well visit.  He had his hearing tested and vision and everything in between. 
 While packing up the playroom, I looked over to see the pups, totally helping me. They lead a rough life. 

 After practice on Tuesday, ribbons from the first meet and the mock meet were ready to be picked up-- these were two happy boys to get theirs!

 Andy's tummy has really been struggling lately.  Really really struggling.  Ugh.  We are going to try some new techniques to try and get him more regular.  I spent some time massaging his belly to try and get things moving.  Bless his heart- his belly is hard as a rock and he's in so much pain.  It's awful to watch him in this amount of pain.  Hopefully the new plan will help him. 

 there's life lately! Cal is ALMOST out of school...and he's soooo ready! A bunch of his friends are already out of school and he is ready to join them in the fun!


1 comment:

EMT said...

Ugh...packing! I dread the day we ever move! And hope Andy's tummy issues settle down soon - poor thing! Sending hugs and virtual drinks your way:) :)