Monday, February 29, 2016

Weekend Update

The weekend was much tamer than we expected, due to Cal's bum leg (more on that coming).  His activity level was big time restricted, so he didn't go to basketball on Saturday or football on Sunday.  BUMMMMMMER.

We still had a good weekend though!
Friday night, we headed back to the CHUCK! You might feel like we were *just* there.  You would be correct! This time we went for a birthday party! We were pumped to celebrate the birthday boy-- and for a wild and crazy night at Chuck E Cheese.

Here is the birthday boy, and all the brothers... thank goodness for another BOY MOM! I truly adore this family and their sweet boys!

Andy wanted me to stick close to him, so me and my beer followed him around....

Rebekah with Theo throwing some footballs.

Cal and Jackson are kindergarten buddies together- love these smiles.  Just sayin', I think their teachers are so lucky to have these calm, quiet, sweet, STILL boys in their class.... 
 (their teachers really do like them, thankfully....)

 Eddie and I getting real good at drinking beer here!

Okay, this was hilarious.... Eddie was over playing this basketball game and he was so, crazy serious while doing so.  Then he threw his hands up in the air and started celebrating that he broke the all time record in that game.  So Charlie went over and we were all laughing because these two might be a little competitive... Charlie then broke the record.

Please step back, children.  The gauntlet has been THROWN DOWN.

So then Eddie went back AGAIN, this time it was serious-- even more so than before.  We were all watching from across the room and I swear you could see him sweating.  He got up to Charlie's score and then threw up a shot to beat his score and it whirled around the rim and went out... so they ended up in a tie!

We took this picture after and they were both SO excited-- I am sure the other parents were like "who are these grown men?!?!?" but it was hilarious.  
 We were joking later that they were going to text that evening and say they went back and beat the score just to make the other one get in the car and get back over there.  This is a challenge right here.

Andy used his tickets wisely and got some vampire teeth. 

And then he went down the slide-- at this point, it was time to go.  

We were all super tired when we got home.  Andy went to bed like this...
 and when I rolled over Saturday morning, he was all snuggled up to Hank.  The arm that goes under his head is actually holding on to Hank's arm. 

Saturday morning we were up early- Andy's game was at 8am.  Ouch.
Cal clearly over did the activity on Friday because he could barely walk on Saturday and his pain was evident.

Andy's team had a great game and the team we played knew more about the game than other teams in the past so it was a really good match up-- we won 24-22 and it was a close one, hahaha it was nail biter at the end (how funny to describe a game of 4 year olds like that-- but it was really exciting!).  

We left the game and went to The Root Cellar, our new favorite little spot post games.  I got a yummy smoothie and the boys got cookies (even though it was 9:15...whatever).  We ran into Owen and James and their parents, and the boys were all WILD about seeing each other!

 This newspaper was laying face up on the counter-- Cal grabbed it and was reading the headling out loud before I could get to him.  Seriously, Daily Tar Heel?? And on the front page? Come on. 

We headed home and spent the rest of Saturday trying to get Cal to rest (x-box time unrestricted) and doing all the fun chores around the house, including washing the dogs, vacuuming, laundry, etc etc...

And then it was 6:00 and we still weren't showered or dressed.  Eddie ran out for a quick errand and I snuggled up with the boys.  We ordered take out and then settled in to watch the UNC game.  Andy got to watch until the half and Cal stayed up until the end.  Sad ending, but great game.

Sunday morning we were up and at 'em EARLY.  Andy woke up super early and was super cranky...and wanted eeeerrrrryyyone to know he was up and cranky.  Thankfully, he quickly turned himself around.  It was touch and go for a few minutes, but he pulled through and ended up having a great day.  #phew

We went to church and it was SUCH a great service.  Not to be all cheesy on here, but I love our minister and his sermon was just SPOT on on Sunday. He talked about why bad things happen to good people- something I have struggled with since Molly's death.  Anyway- great sermon that really hit home.  #canigetanamen?!

After church we ran home to eat lunch and change clothes.  Cal was still on his restricted movement so no football for him.  I didn't want him to have to go out there and sit for 2 hours, so we went to the grocery store.  
But first we said bye to Andy and Eddie:

Cal loves to grocery shop with me.  I make a list (in neater handwriting than my normal scratch) and he reads everything off the list and helps me find it. Then if I add something to the cart that wasn't on the list, he writes it down.  This is such a fun game for him- go figure.

I made him ride in the cart-- there wasn't much room left in there when he was done. 

We ran the groceries home and unloaded quickly and then headed to the football field.  On the way there, Tricia sent a text: "TOUCHDOWN ANDY!" And I missed it! I was SO bummed! Apparently, it was pretty sweet.  Thankfully, he had other people there cheering for him.   He couldn't stop telling me about it when I got there.
These fools loooove some flag football- they are SO happy out there playing.  Andy and Nash, who had QUITE the game! 
 Cal just wanted to run while we were at the game.  He moved around some, but I was quick to bring him back- which it a lot of fun.... hopefully he will be good to go by Wednesday... hopefully....!

Tricia and Tommy came over for dinner and my parents stopped by for a bit too. We grilled out and had a nice big dinner- a great way to end a weekend! Tricia got suckered into reading bed time stories...

After stories, we did quick baths.

Take THAT, Monday!
Hope it's a great week!


1 comment:

Sleepin in the Sun said...

You got some good pics, love this, obviously. :) Last night Charlie was asking when would be a good time to go to Frankie's, adults only. Get ready Eddie...