Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Chuck E Cheese on a random Wednesday

I wrote a few posts back about having a ROUGH day.  Things with Andy aren't always easy.  It is really tied to his tummy issues, and when he gets off in that department- even slightly, life just isn't easy!

So, week before last, we sat him down and as a family, we came up with a goal as a reward for good behavior.  This typically works well for Andy because when he starts to go into melt down mode, we can remind him that he really wants to do XXXXX and he will usually pull himself together. 

Chuck E Cheese was the reward this time around.  And he earned it! His behavior was top notch, his meltdowns were minimal, and both kids were good listeners. 

Bring on the Chuck.

We went last Wednesday night and we actually had SO much fun.  Ewww, I know, right? Who has fun at Chuck E Cheese? Well, we had a blast together.  It was one of those nights as a family that I hope and pray goes into the long term memory for the kids-- it was just fun!

One of the reasons it was fun? Beer.  Did you know they serve beer there? They do.  

The boys ran from game to game, with us sipping in tow.  The football toss game was a big fave of Andy's.  I kind of couldn't believe how well he did here. I have a picture of him playing this game when he was a toddler, climbing up on the machine and standing on the part where the balls roll down. 

And Cal loved it too...

He was excited to be there-- haha

The boys looooove this race car game. But they can't reach the pedals.  So they have to sit in our laps and steer while we give them gas.  I think this picture is hilarious...

 Andy wants to be a racecar driver, I believe...


The boys also loved the basketball game-- no shocker there, right? 
That was our random, wild and fun Wednesday night! We got Wendy's on the way home and everyone was HAPPY as clams!

What else should we use as a reward? This whole night out cost us like $10-- each kid got $5 worth of coins and that was it... we need more rewards that are on the cheap side....!

It was a really fun night- and I am hoping it earned us a while before we go back again!


1 comment:

Jess Scott said...

We used to take Chad's daughters, and I remember the BEER! Cam is dying to go because he sees it on TV, but the closest one is an hour away....it may be a good reward, though! What do you use to track his good behavior? We have been using pompoms in a jar, which works well, but it doesn't always influence his behavior! Maybe a trip, instead of small toy, will work better. Looks like fun, though!! I always wish there was beer at kid events. :)