Friday, August 28, 2015

First day of KINDERGARTEN!

Yesterday was Cal's first day of kindergarten... ! He woke up in a great mood and showed no signs of nervousness, so we were hopeful for a great drop off.  He had to take a shower in the morning to tame some WILD bead head (Eddie said we couldn't have him go on his first day with his hair looking like that-- hahahah)

I realized in the morning that I forgot to make him a sign to hold, so I quickly made this one and handed it to him- 

Love this sweet boy and I am so excited for him starting school!

 Every year I get a picture of Cal with Hank on the first day (I say this, but I couldn't find the one from last year... I did get one the year before, see below...
 And the year before that:

Andy was riding his bike up and down the driveway while I took a few pictures of Cal-- he finally said, "want me in one too?" So he pulled his bike over and smiled-- he wouldn't get off the bike for a picture though.  

We took a few with the big guy with mom...
 ...and dad...
 Eddie, by the way, had a trip planned to be out of town for the week.  We thought the first day was going to be Monday of this week (because that's when the school started!) but with the gradual start, he didn't go until Thursday.  Eddie completely rearranged his trip because there was no way he was missing Cal's first day... thought that was so sweet of him! He came with us to drop off and everything. 

My smile couldn't be cheesier in below pic...

Andy offered to take a picture of the 3 of us-- so kind of him to stop riding long enough to take a picture...

 We got to school early and walked in to see Laynie and her mom and brother! Cal was confident and did not look even slightly nervous.  Laynie's brother is older, so Cal was kind of showing off in front of him. 

This picture makes me's like Andy is saying "please don't go!!!" 
 All the kindergarteners wear these little things around their necks that say "I am in kindergarten!" and on the back, it basically says "if I am lost, please return me to my teacher, Mrs. Shinn..." hahahah

They opened the doors and Cal walked right on in! Really, he glanced back once and then kept right on walking.  Zero hesitation!

This is the kindergarten hall and that's his teacher at the end in the pink sweater.  He walked right on down to her!

We carried in all of his supplies and were instructed to leave them at his table.  Mrs. Shinn said class would begin on the carpet-- didn't have to tell these two twice! They went straight to the carpet and sat smiling!

 So, now he's off! I am thrilled he went in with little nerves and a lot of excitement.  He is going to have so much fun-- he is beyond ready for this!

While Cal was gone at his first day, I tried to make it a special day for Andy too.  He had a play date planned for the day, but got a fever on Wednesday, so we decided it wouldn't be smart to spread the germs to him.  Instead, we spread the germs to Chuckee Cheese! Only kidding... kinda... he hadn't't had a fever all day,  He wasn't 100%, but definitely no fever...

I put $5 dollars worth of tokens in his little cup and he basically had the whole place to himself.  He was in heaven.  

We went to Wendy's for lunch and we ate IN the restaurant, which we never do....gasp! And he as thrilled.  

We came home and he rode his bike (shocker) and then he asked to come in for some rest time.  He asked me 92 times when Cal would be home and then he got quiet... 

I woke him up a little after 3 to head to school for pick up.  The school has this pickup routine down to a science-- and it's impressive! I was scared/amazed at this line in front of me.  But it worked!

As I got closer to the front of the line, I was BEYOND excited to see Cal-- like giddy-excited! ha! My friend Rebekah was a few cars in front of me and Kristen was a few behind me.  I am pretty sure we were all anxiously awaiting our kindergarteners!

Cal jumped in and started talking right away-- which I wasn't expecting.  I thought he would be silent, or just not offer much information.  He actually had a lot to say! He liked the day, he said, but, "mom, it's going to be hard work... It's not going to be easy every day...."

And so it begins....!


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